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Three: An anniversary, of sorts

3 years ago today, on a cold day in February, I started my blog. My baby was 18 months old, at the time. He is now 4 and a half years old, and his baby brother just turned 2 years old.

3 years ago today, I started blogging because there was always something I needed to say, something I just had to write down.

Before I started blogging, I would send my friends a dozen emails a day, to discuss the latest news from around the world, to vent about Canadian politics, and to get conversations going about our legal system. I'd complain about the weather, talk about Britney's latest mishap, and analyze why Jessica and Nick broke up.

I would also, of course, send out dozens of emails about each new milestone my baby would reach, always attaching pictures of him for them to 'ooh' and 'ahh' over.

As a new mom, I wanted to talk about my child all the time. And of course, if you happened to be a friend of mine who also had a busy, full-time job, getting emails about the colour of my son's poop was a hightlight of your day, no?

Ahh... I see. Not so much. This is when the light bulb went off in my head! A better place for me to write about all these things was: a blog! A place where I could write down all my thoughts and views and have people come to read about them on the Internet, when they had time. I was much happier. (So were my friends.) And there was no stopping me now!

3 years later, I'm still blogging.

I can't imagine not having a blog, not having a special place that is all mine where I can write about the things that are on my mind. I've written about the reasons I love being a mom, why I'm a scary mom, my views on health care, why firefighters came to the rescue on Christmas Eve, and changes.

Of course, I've also talked about my love of shopping and why sometimes doing it solo is better, and facing yours fears.

I talk about fear a lot, actually. And stress. And worries.

I've gotten emotional, and talked about quitting smoking .

I've interviewed a few of my favourite bloggers, and talked about regression.

And of course, I've written about everything entertainment!

I've written posts for other great parenting sites, and have been featured on a few cool sites, too. Being voted the Best Family Blog in the 2009 Canadian Blog Awards was so sweet because you took the time to vote for me, and for that, I thank you.

Blogging is a wonderful way to make connections with other people, and through my blog, I've made some great friends along the way. Blogging is a place where we can network, share laughter, worries and fears, and ask questions, knowing that there will always be someone on the other side to offer advice, a nice comment, or a seal of approval. We can talk about how we felt after the earthquake hit Haiti, or we can talk about the feeling of accomplishment we felt after finally getting our child potty trained. We can offer fashion advice to others, tell stories of our past, and write about traditions.

I can't imagine not having a blog. I don't know what I'll be doing in five years, but two things I do know is that I've always loved writing, and I love being a mom. So, chances are... I'll still be here.

I hope you will, too.


twinmomplusone saidā€¦
Happy bloganniversary Loukia!
Funny how its dani's 5th bloganniversary today too!

I've been following your blog since you started and may I say that it just keeps getting better and better! Job well done :)
Stephanie saidā€¦
How amazing! Congrats to you and here's to many more years of your lovely writing!
CalgaryDaddy saidā€¦
Way to go! I am at the 3 MONTH mark, so I have a long way to go! Excellent work and keep it up!

Lindsay saidā€¦
Congrats! Here's to many more!
Pres. Kathy saidā€¦
Happy Blog Anniversary! I am so happy that I found your blog! I enjoy it!!
Mercy Langille saidā€¦
I know what you mean about not being able to do without your blog. I'm hitting the two year mark this month and will probably write something similar to what you have done. Aren't anniversaries fantastic?
Maria @BOREDmommy saidā€¦
Congrats on the three years!!!
CaraBee saidā€¦
Happy blogiversary! Wow, three years! I think I speak for all of us, when I say that we are all happy you began blogging. It has been so great getting to know you! I hope we'll be able to meet in real life one of these days!
Tiffany Lockette saidā€¦
And us followers love reading your blog!! You are a great writer.
A Crafty Mom saidā€¦
Congrats on three awesome years!! Hoping we see at least three more from you :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy Blogversary and here is to many many more. Thanks for the kind words today. I appreciate it.
Sarah saidā€¦
Congrats on three years! I didn't even know what a blog was three years ago. It is such a great alternative to a journal because you get to share your thoughts and ideas with everyone.
Lady Mama saidā€¦
Happy Blogaversary! I've always enjoyed reading your blog. I know, when I come over here, that I'll empathize with what you've written, or laugh along, or learn something new. Good work my friend. :)
Mom2Miles saidā€¦
Congrats on your award & your 3-yr blogoversary! I like reading your upbeat take on things, and of course the funny & cute tales & pics of your boys. Keep up the good work!
Unknown saidā€¦
Happy Blogiversay! I hope we'll both still be here too! I love reading about you and your boys. :)
Scary Mommy saidā€¦
I had no idea you had been at this for three years-- that's, like, a lifetime in blogland!! :)
Ninja Mom saidā€¦
Hi Loulou!
First of all, happy anniversary to you! Secondly, thank you for your warm welcome to the blogging world early today when you posted a comment on my newly-launched blog. Hey, perhaps it is a good sign that I launched my blog on the day of your blog's anniversary! Good karma!

I'll be following you!!
McMommy saidā€¦
Happy 3rd, Loukia!!! Your blog is always such a fun read! Here's to many more years!! Cheers!
Oh, honey, happy blogoversary! I'm so happy for you.

Thank you so much for blogging and sharing your life with us. As long as you keep writing, I'll be here reading.

Love ya,
Jenn@ The Crazies saidā€¦
Happy Blog anniversary! 3 years... WOW! I just celebrated my 1 yr and I am so thrilled for you! I cant wait to see what the next 3 years brings for you!
Congrats on your anniversary! You've definately made a great mark in the blog world!

Keep up the fantastic work!
Rebecca saidā€¦
Here's to many more blogging years! Love reading your stuff ;)
2 Little Irish Boys saidā€¦
WOW! That is a long time--I am so glad you blog, I love reading your well-written words and knowing your thoughts.
You do such a great job! OF IT ALL!!
shvt saidā€¦
Happy Anniversary. Blogs are fun !
I'm so new to blogging, but I am completely addicted...already! I love it. Happy "anniversary!"
BeachMama saidā€¦
Happy Blogiversary Loukia, it's been great getting to know you over the years.
OHmommy saidā€¦
Oh HAPPY happy HAPPY anniversary!
The Black Sheep saidā€¦
Happy Blog-iversary!! Keep it goin' Mama! I love your blog!
Karl saidā€¦
Congratulations. That's a big milestone. PS: Don't expect me to drop by every day. It's a special occasion. :)
Amy saidā€¦
I just found your blog and I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary!
Amy Van Beck saidā€¦
I just recently found your blog and wanted to say Happy Anniversary to you. I have been blogging for a few years too but just recently changed how I have been doing it to be more of therapy for me :-) Sharing tips, advice, etc. I am at home with the kids and doing this makes me feel so good. I am not a very good writer but I do think I have something to say and hopefully people like it. I will be adding your listing to my blogroll. Thanks
Happy blogoversary. Wait..I think mine is coming up...I should check.

Shoot, this is about you.

So glad you are blogging it now and we've found each other (and you've found me at my other design site, too)!
Okay, so I had to go back and look...sure enough it was 2/3/05! FIVE freaking years of blogging and I missed it. Okay, I totally stole your blog from you....handing it back over now.
Chantal saidā€¦
Congrats on 3 fab years!