2012 passed by so incredibly quick, don't you think? It seems like only yesterday I wrote a post about the changes I would make in 2012. Some of them came true, others did not, so this year, I am not making any big promises that I cannot keep. The year ended with immense tragedy that we're all still struggling to make sense of. December was more emotional than other years, filled with lots of tears, laughter, and happy times with the entire family. The only thing I have learned from all of this is how important it is to cherish every moment. And that's my only resolution for 2013. I'm going to enjoy it all. Or try to, anyway. And I'm going to remember the importance of putting things in perspective. When you do that, you see how you really have nothing to complain about. And that everything you need... you already have. Here are some of my 2012 highlights: This year, I discovered my new favourite show ever , Mad Men. And then I discovered another incredible
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