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Giving Back With Rice Krispies and #TreatsForToys

The holidays are my favourite time of the yearā€”after summer, of course.

I love everything about this season: shopping for presents for everyone on my list, writing Christmas cards, wrapping gifts, decorating the house with my family, watching holiday movies, attending and hosting festive parties, and of course, the most important thing of allā€”giving back, in big and small ways, to those who deserve it the most.

The Kellogg's Rice Krispies #TreatsForToys campaign is back, helping kids during the holidays in a great way. In partnership with The Salvation Army, Canadian families are encouraged to create a toy-shaped Rice Krispies treat and submit a photo of it on, or share on social media with the hashtag #TreatsForToys.

For every photo of your Rice Krispies creation you share online, (and it doesn't have to be anything really creative; it is, after all, the thought that counts!) Kellogg's Rice Krispies will donate $20 to The Salvation Army for the purchase of a real toy for a Canadian child in need during the holiday season.

I had a lot of fun making Rice Krispies treats with my youngest son over the weekendā€”he basically made three batches all by himself, which made me so very happy because now he can take over all the baking duties in our houseā€”phew!

I'm spreading the love and giving away a great Kellogg's package to help you take part with your family, too.

Included in the package: two holiday edition Rice Krispies boxes, candy for decorating your creations, marshmallows, and some amazing Paderno mixing bowls. All you have to do is make some tasty treats which will help create lasting memories for deserving children.

Leave me a comment below telling me what you love most about the holiday season, and I'll pick a winner randomly on Friday, December 8th.

Make. Share. Give. Good Luck!


Glogirl saidā€¦
What I love most about the holiday season is all the holiday baking I do with my mom and sister.
I love listening to Christmas music, making good food and decorating ornaments with my kiddies.
Josh S saidā€¦
I like spending quality time together with family, making memories.
Amy Heffernan saidā€¦
I just love the excitement in the kids during the holiday season. Getting together with the family and just enjoying the season! Thanks!
wendy Hutton saidā€¦
What I love about the holiday season is seeing all the houses decorated, so pretty, getting to see family that I never see all year
Mindy saidā€¦
What I love about the Holidays is Giving, to those less fortunate and my family and friends. I enjoy family activities and coming together.
Unknown saidā€¦
The best thing about the holidays that I enjoy the most is that I can spend time with my family.
Mindy saidā€¦
What I love about the Holidays is giving to the less fortunate and my family and friends. I enjoy family activities and coming together.
Unknown saidā€¦
What i love about the holiday spirit is the joy on the childrens faces! it just tugs at my heart to see the happiness and excitement
Annie1 saidā€¦
Spending time with my grandchildren and children and watching them interact/play/laugh makes the Holidays perfect for me! Thanks!
Judy Cowan saidā€¦
I love listening to Christmas music, doing the holiday baking and spending time with family. (
Jonnie (JB) saidā€¦
I love the overall positivity of the holiday season. People are in good moods and spreading cheer. If we could figure out a way to make that feeling last all year long, the world would be a much better place.
Linda H saidā€¦
I love the music the most during the holiday season.
Katrina saidā€¦
I love listening to holiday music and baking cookies with my daughter.
Gord saidā€¦
What I love most about the holidays is the variety and quantity of food I get to eat.
Lucy Yetts saidā€¦
Spending time with the family -- both close and extended!
maryanne saidā€¦
We love all the Christmas lights!
jenness m saidā€¦
I love that all my family comes together at Christmas!
Sarah Perry saidā€¦
I movies, extra special family time, the food, happy kids and baking. Thanks!
Sarah Perry saidā€¦
Email is
Anonymous saidā€¦
i love the sound of music i love the smiles on people faces the happiness that comes with chrismtas i love it
Brenda Penton saidā€¦
I love seeing all my friends and family and having them visit.
Allison K-P saidā€¦
I love seeing Christmas through my kid's eyes. Everything is so much more special because I know they're making memories.
Unknown saidā€¦
Such a wonderful time of year full of visits with friends and family!!
Callieflower saidā€¦
Baking with my little one!
jdarrell saidā€¦
What I love most is that people are kinder to each other over the holidays.
jdarrell saidā€¦
I love that people are kinder to each other over the holidays.
Laurie Armstrong saidā€¦
I love the Christmas music and driving around looking at all the lights!
Jenny saidā€¦
I love being able to spend time with family and friends
a_m_rs saidā€¦
I love how excited my daughter gets through the holidays. its her birthday, Christmas, the decorations, food.. loves it
Pamela saidā€¦
What I love most about the holidays is the time spent with family and friends over fantastic food and treats.
tannawings saidā€¦
What I love about the holiday season is really donating to Toys for Tots. I have done this for many many years. There is a long story involved, but my Mom signed us up way back when... and since then we made it a tradition to give back. When I became an adult, I have given back. You never 'see' who it goes to, but it is a feeling inside, knowing there is someone out there who may have gotten what they needed or wanted with your and others help who might not have normally had a good Christmas. You bring a smile somewhere.

ellen beck
tannawings at gmail dot com
Joanna Alper saidā€¦
I love getting to spend a lot of time with my family! And all of the Christmas baking :)
Trina Goodwin saidā€¦
I love getting together on Christmas Eve having a big supper , exchanging gifts and spending quality time together and Christmas Caroling :) Treen Goodwin Facebook name :)
Sharklady71 saidā€¦
I love spending time with all of my family at Christmas time. We have huge dinners and lots of fun.
pippirose saidā€¦
My favourite thing about Christmas is spending time with family and friends.
Juliee Fitze saidā€¦
My favourite thing about Christmas is seeing the grandkids open their presents even if it is on Facebook messager. Then off to have dinner with my sisters and their families. or @ellyskid on Twitter .
spike saidā€¦
For me, it's all about the food!
Sharklady71 saidā€¦
My favorite thing about the holidays is getting together with family and friends and having a huge holiday dinner.
jemrah saidā€¦
I love quiet family time, watching movies and eating of course :)
Pamela saidā€¦
What I love most about Christmas is watching my kids. They get so excited and just watching them gives me so much joy as well. I also love the special times spent with family and friends.