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A New Year, A Healthier You

Did you make any resolutions for 2014? Most people make a few, and by the time January is over, so are the promises of losing weight, eating healthy, and spending less money. That's why I don't really believe in resolutions... because I know they can be so hard to keep!

A few months ago, before I started practicing for Dancing With The Stars for Easter Seals, I started working out and eating better. No more crash diets. No more eliminating the foods I love, like bread. (Life without carbs is not worth it, guys!) And you know what? By eating sensibly and working out, I managed to lose a lot of weight, and I've never felt better. According to a recent survey done by Kellogg's, 97% of Canadians agree that a positive attitude can help them achieve their goals. I think this is so totally accurate. Seeing the glass half-full is always better than the alternative, and doing the things you love, and staying busy, are really motivating. So is being a parent, because there is no down time!

To ring in the new year, my friends at Special K wants to encourage a positive attitude and outlook when it comes to managing weight by offering one of my lucky readers a Special K Positivity Prize Pack, which includes:
  • A generous supply of Special K products
  • A New Balance fitness monitor watch to help track your progress
  • A yoga mat
  • A copy of the book Everything Is Going To Be Okay
  • Customizable meal plans and weight management tips
This is the package of goodies I'm giving away:

Eating healthy for me begins in the morning, and often my breakfast is a bowl of cereal and some fruit. Kellogg's is almost always a part of my day and helps keep me on the right track when it comes to staying healthy.

To enter this giveaway, leave me a comment below telling me what you're doing in 2014 to stay healthy.

Bonus entries:

Follow me on Twitter.
Follow me on Instagram.
Follow me on Facebook.

Good Luck, everyone!


@a_m_rs said…
I'm trying to eat healthier and try to do my zumba on a regular basis. This winter we bought my daughter a sled so we can go snowshoeing.
@a_m_rs said…
i also follow on twitter, instagram, facebook. Thanks for the giveaway and blog
Glogirl said…
I am trying to eat healthier by incorporating more fruits and vegetables in my diet.
Glogirl said…
I follow you on Twitter @glogirl3
Glogirl said…
I like you on Facebook. (Amy M)
Japolina said…
I've decided that I'm done being fat. I'm eating less and moving more
Erika E said…
I am cooking healthier meals and being more active.
Erika E said…
I follow you on Twitter.
lushka said…
Get more organized
lushka said…
I follow on twitter @carollushka
lushka said…
I follow on FB Lushka S.
Simmy said…
I'm watching my portions !
Nettie Colvin said…
Hello. Your smart and an amazing Lady.I like your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.My healthy New Year choices are drinking more water and trying new and more salads.
NettieC said…
Hi my name is Nettie Colvin and my Twitter name is @ColvinPepsi4me
Jonnie (JB) said…
I've been making sure I'm active everyday. I start each day with a 30 minute walk. I've also cut down on my chocolate intake!
Jonnie (JB) said…
I follow you on twitter as edmontonjb
Jonnie (JB) said…
I follow you on instagram as edmontonjb
Jonnie (JB) said…
I like you on facebook as Jonnie JB Hartling
Nic said…
I'm trying to get more sleep. I'm also aiming to walk for at least 30 minutes every day!
Nic said…
I'm following you on FB now (Nicole JubleeW).
Tiffany said…
I'm trying eat better this year. I like/follow you on Facebook.
Brenda Penton said…
I am eating more fruits and vegetables and getting back into my fitness routine that I strayed from over the holidays
Brenda Penton said…
I am following you on twitter as @newfiechic
Brenda Penton said…
I am following you on Facebook as Brenda Penton
Brenda Penton said…
Following on Instagram as newfiechic
Natalie Fraser said…
Trying to minimize my wheat consumption, eating less processed foods and training for a marathon!
flowerchild said…
I am getting more active and cooking and eating healthier meals
flowerchild said…
I follow you on twitter (@flower_child_23)
flowerchild said…
I follow you on facebook
angela marriott
Andrea Amy said…
I will be doing the same as what I always do. Drink lots of water, eat lots of fresh product, cook from scratch, limit the amount of processed foods I eat, and walk as much as I can. I plan on reading more to keep my mind healthy too :)

andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com
Andrea Amy said…
Bonus entry 1
I followed on twitter

andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com
Andrea Amy said…
bonus entry 2
i followed on instagram

andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com
Andrea Amy said…
bonus entry 3
i am already a facebook fan
andrea amy

andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com
Amirah said…
To stay healthy I am eating healthier.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to the gym 6x a week (Shawn - @gabecncx)
Anonymous said…
Follow on twitter (@gabecncx)
Anonymous said…
Like on Facebook (Shawn M)
maria said…
I am going back to the gym
Angie B said…
I am trying to lose the last of my baby weight. I have started going back to the gym and have set up our wii that has zumba and yoga and am doing that during the day when the kids are napping.
Angie B said…
I follow you on twitter (@crazyladybibs)
Angie B said…
I follow you on facebook.
Angela M said…
I'm trying to eat less sugar and get out for more walks and hikes this year.
Angela M said…
I follow you on Twitter
Angela M said…
I follow you on Instagram
Angela M said…
I follow you on Facebook
Angela Mitchell