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Park Play And Community Spirit

One of the things I loved the most about being a child was spending countless hours at the park near my house, playing on my own or with my friends. I had three parks all within walking distance of where I lived, and I have great memories of the time I spent at all of them. 

I'd go to these parks as a child and get lost in the world of imagination, swing with my friends, play in the sand, and go down the slide, over and over again. As I got older, my best friend and I would hang out on the park bench, talking for hours about all the important things in our lives, while watching our friends play basketball or soccer. Now, I go to the same parks with my children, and the memories come flooding back as if it were yesterday. Whether they're kicking the soccer ball around, riding their bikes around the paths, or playing tag around the play structure, I love seeing them lost in the world of outdoor play.

Although my children love playing at the same park I did when I was a child, it's not new like it once was; the wood is old, the paint is chipping, and the slide is not as safe as it used to be. I'd love to see this park made new again for the children who use it. After all, there's nothing greater than seeing kids outside, playing and happy.There are actually a handful of  parks I know in my community that are in need of major repair.

Being actively involved in our community has become a priority for me since I've become a mom. I love the neighborhood we live in, and I love doing what I can to make things better for the little ones in our community.

This is why I am excited to be part of the Kraft Celebration Tour. They recognize the passion and community spirit that brings people together while promoting healthy and active lifestyles across this great country of ours and they want to help your community.

The mission is simple: 

They want to create something new or make something better in your community. 

Kraft and TSN will visit 10 communities across the country to make some amazing transformations happen. Since 2009 the Kraft Celebration Tour has awarded $1,000,000 to  40 communities across Canada. This money helped build skateboarding parks, upgraded sports fiends, improved boxing facilities and renovated community centres. 

You can nominate your own community online from now until June 7th. 

Just visit and submit photos and a short essay explaining what sports and a healthy lifestyle mean to your community, and why your community (and park) should win $25,000. Let them know how it will encourage community spirit and passion for sports, play, and an active lifestyle.

The winning communities will receive a live broadcast from TSN's news program, SPORTSCENTRE, as well as $25,000.

I love this idea so much, and I'm passionate about seeing positive changes happen in the community I live in. Not only will this encourage everyone to get involved, it will most certainly get kids more active. After all... if they build it... they will come.

Good Luck!

Disclosure: I am participating in the Kraft Celebration Tour Blogger Campaign. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.


Stephanie said…
Such a great project!! Time at the park is a great way to make some memories with our little ones, everyone should have acess to a great play area :)
Tony said…
This is cool!