There is one compliment you can give me that will make me feel like a million bucks.
Like I'm on top of the world.
A compliment that will always make me smile, after I take a second to take it in. At first I don't really believe it, and I think the person saying it is just 'being nice', but the more I hear it, the more I begin to believe it is true. And you know what? It's nice to hear.
It's not hearing a compliment about my hair, and it's not about my smile, or what I'm wearing. It's not even about hearing "Hey! You look great - have you lost weight?" Which is pretty much the most awesome thing to hear, especially when you've been dieting and struggling to lose weight.
The nicest thing in the world to hear - and the one compliment I appreciate more than any other is:
"You're a great mom."
That makes me feel so good! I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing that. I'm so thankful everytime someone says that to me. Because truly, there is nothing I love more in this world than being a mommy!
And yes, I do feed my children pizza and hot dogs!
You are a great Mom Loukia. All one has to do is take one look at your happy little boys to know that.
Gosh, I feel like I haven't been over here in awhile. Must remedy that;)
Um... what's wrong with pizza? :P
And, you are amazing for sending me that gift card-- that was totally SO unnecessary, but THANK YOU. And next time you're in town I owe you a drink. Hurry up and come back!!
Now, when your kids say it, it truly brings tears!
Thanks for sharing. :)
Also, um, pizza and hot dogs are staples around here.
It is a great thing to hear, and to say. You are a great mom Lou!
And my children live on grilled cheese sandwiches.