My little trouble makers. Such heartbreakers. They keep me smiling all day long. And they keep me busy! My boys are go-go-go all day long - it's amazing I'm not in better shape, with all the running around I do after them! Summer has been great - despite all the rainy days we have had, we have managed to go swimming a lot more than last summer, since my inlaws opened their pool this year, and my sister got a new pool in her backyard. I don't think she realized when she got a pool we were going to be there almost everyday, but she's not complaining... yet! These are the things I love about summer: Visits to the park, playing in the sand, pushing the boys on the swings, hearing their laughter in the pool, hearing Christos sing O Canada every time he gets in the pool, watching him ride his bike, hearing my boys laugh, building Lego towers, playing trucks and making 'cement', doing yard work together, helping Christos write his alphabet, teaching him how to read, lo
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