These are the days of the endless summer These are the days, the time is now There is no past, there's only future There's only here, there's only now These are the days now that we must savour And we must enjoy as we can These are the days that will last forever You've got to hold them in your heart. Van Morrison I have a little voice inside my head. The little voice inside my head tends to repeat itself often. Usually it's to yell at me for something I did wrong, but it also says things that are reminders for me to stop and enjoy the moment. These are the days , it says. And I say it over and over again, in my head, and out loud, too. These are the days. I look at pictures of days gone by, and I smile, and tears come to my eyes. I wake up to a beautiful sleeping child beside me, and I sigh, these are the days... I look at the clock about to lose my temper, wondering why my children are still awake. Then I hear a giggle, and I'm reminded that these are the da...
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