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Showing posts from May, 2012

The Wonder Years

"... Growing up happens in a heartbeat.One day you're in diapers, the next you're gone, but the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a time, a place, a particular fourth of July, the things that happened in that decade of war and change. I remember a house like a lot of houses, a yard like a lot of yards, on a street like a lot of other streets. I remember how hard it was growing up among people and places I loved. Most of all, I remember how hard it was to leave. And the thing is, after all these years I still look back in wonder." Kevin Arnold, The Wonder Years What does your past say about you ? My past is full of great memories. I miss the days gone by, sometimes. I miss my school days the most. I miss carefree days, skipping class, bathroom gossip sessions, making new friends, study sessions in the library that were really about catching a glimpse of the boy you were crushing on, and the playboy room . I miss the days where I...

With A Little Help From My Friends

As you all know by now, I'm part of the Miracle Moms Network . I am trying to raise awareness and funds for the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and my goal is to reach $1000. I'm currently at $640, thanks to you, for being so generous, and for supporting this amazing cause. There is nothing, in my opinion, that is more worthwhile than supporing the Children's Miracle Network. Money raised for these hospitals go to help the children who need it the most, and having had a son in CHEO, I know first-hand how helpful this money is. I am so thankful that I live in a city that is home to one of the greatest children's hospitals in Canada, and I'm thankful for the incredible care my son received when he was admitted. This video about the Children's Miracle Network brought a few tears to my eyes... I'm sure it will have the same effect on you. I would love it if you could support me , and help me reach my goal of $1000 for CHEO. It would mean the...

The Days Of Summer

There's nothing I don't love about summer, except maybe the insects. And I've already been stung once this year by a wasp, so I think I'm safe for the rest of the summer. I mean, there's got to be some unwritten rule that says you can't get stung more than once a year, right? Summer is finally here, and that means my status updates will be annoying because they're going to be the same for the next several months, all talking about how much I love the hot weather and how I'm swimming in the pool, or at the park, or on vacation, or watching my son's soccer game, or going strawberry picking, or going for a bike ride, or going out with friends and enjoying drinks on a patio somewhere. Yes, summer, my favourite season of all, is finally here. And it's still only May. Pass the sunscreen! This past weekend is a perfect example of how much I love the days of summer. My son had his first soccer game of the season, and even though there was a sudden...

Smile Shop

I love it when the city I live in does amazing things for the people in our community. This weekend, I'm invited to Billings Bridge Shopping Centre to take part in the Smile Shop. Of course, getting me to smile in a mall is not hard at all, but for this event? I'll be smiling even harder. This Saturday, Billings Bridge is giving away $10,000 in gift cards to people in exchange for a good deed. Marketing Director Greta Bloskie wanted to do something fun that would help inspire people to come to the mall to make a difference in the community at large. The Smile Shop will be making a lot of people smile this weekend, I can assure you of that. Here's how it's going to work: Visit the Smile Shop in Centre Court on Saturday, May 26th, between 11 and 3 and choose a small, medium, or large deed you'd like to do to receive a $10, $25, or $50 Billings Bridge gift card, while quantities last. A $10 deed? Buy your friend a latte. Make breakfast in bed fo...

Miracle Mom

When you become a mom, your life changes in a million different ways. Becoming a mom is a blessing and a miracle. It's also challenging, rewarding, thrilling, and, sometimes, downright heartbreaking. As a mom, I love helping children who really need help, and the one place I always donate to is the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. I am honored to be part of the Miracle Moms Network . The Childrenā€™s Miracle Network has teamed up with the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and has two goals: to help children by raisings funds for children's hospitals, and to keep funds in the community. Childrenā€™s Miracle Network Hospitals provide treatment and hope to millions of sick kids each year, in 170 hospitals in Canada and in the United States. I have my own donation page , and I'd love it if you could please click the link and donate whatever you can, knowing that you're helping the precious, incredible, strong, and brave young children that...

Very Thankful, Indeed

Being a mom is challenging, exhausting, tiring, heartbreaking, emotional, and impossibly hard. But it is also the best job on earth, rewarding every single day, and filled with so much love and laughter and moments of awe, it takes my breath away. I am madly in love with my children, and thankful every single day that I am their mother, because I think they're the most incredible people ever. My boys never cease to amaze me. I'm thankful that I see my mom several times a week, talk to her a dozen times a day, and have her (and my father) care for my children when I'm at work. I'm thankful I have an equally amazing grandmother (and grandfather) who also take care of my children, my house, and me, every week. I'm thankful I have a mother-in-law (and father-in-law) who cook amazing food for my children, take them to and from school, and look after them, when I'm working my 9-to-5 shift, Monday to Friday. I'm thankful to have a su...

On Being A Car Girl

The keys to my heart have always had the initials VW on them. I have loved Volkswagen  since the days of the original Beetle! I've been a car girl my entire life, mostly because my father owned a used car dealership that sold German-made automobiles. Yes, my love for the finer things in life came to fruition at an earty age. I loved hanging out with my dad, watching him sell cars, and my first high school job was working in a car dealership after school. I'd dream about the day I'd finally get my license, so I could get behind the wheel of a a VW. I drove my first VW cabrio when I was 16 years old. On my 18th birthday, I got the keys to an Audi 5000, which was okay with me. I learned to really drive in that car, and of course, I got into a few accidents. Picture Cher from Clueless behind the wheel. Yup, that was me. Maybe still is, sometimes... ahem. When it was time to retire that car, I was in the parking of my dad's dealership, trying to decide what car I ...

What's Next? (And All About Mom 2.0)

I had a pretty rough weekend. I was in Key Biscayne, Miami, at the Ritz-Carlton , with several hundred other bloggers and movers and shakers in the world of social media, the arts, and publishing for the annual Mom 2.0 Summit . It is pretty inspirational how much we can do when we are passionate about something. The good we can accomplish with our determination and drive to make positive change is well... pretty awesome. This view from the Ritz took my breath away, and so did much of what I was lucky enough to hear, thanks to my amazing sponsors that made it possible for me to attend: Volkswagen Canada , IKEA , Tommee Tippee , and Kellogg's . What did I take from this particular blogging conference ? So much. I am still processing everything, and to be quite honest, listening to people like Brene Brown , Karen Walrond , Lee Rhodes , Liz ,   Liz Lange , Gretchen Rubin , and Pilar Guzman (the editor-in-chief of Martha Stewart Living) speak was a bit overwhelming...