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Showing posts from May, 2016

Get Your Workout On With My Legwear Shop

Now that summer is here, I'm back to a regular workout routine. My mornings start with me enjoying breakfast with my boys, putting on my work out clothes, taking the kids to school, and heading straight to the gym.  It's amazing how much better I feel after a great workout, especially now that the days are warmer. It's so much easier to push myself and motivate myself at the gym when I'm in "summer mode".  If I'm not at at the gym, I'm in the pool, or lounging by the pool, and knowing I'm feeling my best makes putting on a bikini that much easier. Having cute workout clothes helps, tooā€”having tops and pants that fit well and look good so you can have a killer workout is very important, you know! I recently discovered  and love the variety of leggings and active wear they offerā€”and I'm so happy they sent me some active wear, too. Ordering online was simple and fun. The only hard part was deciding which pair of leggings ...

Shopping Made Easy With Loblaws Click And Collect

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom. As part of my affiliation with this group, I have been compensated to test the Loblaws Click & Collect service. The opinions and views on this blog are my own.  So we all know that grocery shopping is not always fun. It's time consuming, and no matter how long I spend walking from aisle to aisle, I arrive home to remember the one item I actually truly neededā€”is still at the grocery store! Sigh. Of course. I remember the days when my boys were much younger, when grocery shopping was even more of a challenge. I had to plan my trips to the grocery store around my baby's nap time, and sometimes, I would be a nervous wreck grocery shopping, scared that my baby would have a meltdown and start crying. What has made my life much easierā€”and will certainly help out new moms, tooā€” has been using Loblaws Click and Collect . It's online shopping, made easy. And it's actually so much fun, too! While I'm working, I go to

Grocery Shopping Chaos (And Saving Mommy Minutes)

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom. As part of my affiliation with this group, I have been compensated to test the Loblaws Click & Collect service. The opinions and views on this blog are my own.  One thing I love about being my own boss and working from home is having the flexibility to take my children to school, and to pick them up at the end of the day. In the hours between, I get a lot done, starting with going to the gym. I love my weekly routine, and working out is one thing I do first thing in the morning before I tackle all my workā€”housework, working, and the dreaded trips to the grocery store. I can honestly say I spend a lot of time in the grocery store, buying food for my family (it truly is amazing just how much food two boys can eat in a week!) and other household items. Of course, by the end of the week, I'm giving my kids whatever we have left in the house for breakfast and their school lunch, reminding myself that I need to head to the grocery store to stock...

A Luxurious Experience At The Guerlain Spa

I just got back from a beautiful trip to New York City, and I'm missing it already. Of course, every time I leave, I start planing my next visit in my head, because I can never get enough of the most vibrant city in the world. On this trip to New York City, I had the wonderful opportunity of reviewing the incredible Guerlain Spa in the Waldorf Astoria. Pinch meā€”I was totally living a Blair Waldorf day. The Guerlain Spa is quite simply the epitome of luxury in this world-class hotel. Tranquility awaits as soon as the elevator doors open on the 19th floorā€”and it's quite the breathtaking view, too. After changing into my robe and slippers, I was brought to the relaxing waiting lounge where I enjoyed a cup of tea before my facial.   Guerlain has been devoted to skincare and beauty since 1828. In 1939, Guerlain created one of the first spas in the world on avenue des Champs- ElysĆ©es,  and today, Guerlain is just as popular as ever for those who are passionate about b...

May Is For Muddy Gardens Minus The Mess

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom ambassador. As part of my affiliation with this group, I receive products and have been compensated to put Tide to the stain test. The opinions on this blog are my own.  It's May, and although it's been unseasonable cold this month, the last few days have finally proven that spring is most definitely hereā€”and we have some work to do to get our gardens ready for summer! The sun is shining, the days are long, and I'm wearing my flip flops... which makes me so excited. Although I'm not naturally someone with a green thumb, this nice weather prompted me to get out and grow a little garden with some pretty flowers and tulips, as chosen by my children. That's right... we planted flowers outside and they look so pretty! So far, so good, as the plants are alive and thriving, and... I didn't even break a nail. (Ha!) I did, however, get my white t-shirt covered in soil, and I was a little concerned I wouldn't be able to remo...

Style And Comfort Together: A Hush Puppies Shoe Giveaway

I'm a girl who can't wear flats. Seriously, for some reason, even walking the streets of NYC for hours on endā€”or Disney World, or Athensā€”is more comfortable for me if I'm in shoes with a little bit of a heel. Of course, the shoes have to be stylish, too. When I used to think of stylish shoes Hush Puppies didn't instantly come to mind, but after trying some of their new boots and heels, I've been pleasantly surprised with the results. People are always surprised when I tell them my favourite pair of high-heeled leather and suede boots are Hush Puppies. Style and comfort together is key. I'm glad Hush Puppies asked me to work with them in getting the word out about their new line of shoes for summer, and I'm even happier that I get to give away a pair of shoes to YOU! I know you'll love Hush Puppies just as much as I do. I can't wait for you to discover why this shoe company is renowned for their comfy shoes and fashionable trends. To en...

Making Mother's Day Special With NYDJ

Mother's Day is a few days away, and I'm excited because I'll just be coming back from New York City, which means I'll be receiving extra love and hugs from my two boys. Although being away from them is hardā€”even if it is only a couple of daysā€”the welcome I receive when I'm back always warms my heart. Being a mom is truly the best gift of allā€”and spending time with my children is always something I cherish, on Mother's Day, and all the days. Being a mother means so many things, and to me, it is the most amazing experience. Even though being a mom is one of the toughest jobs in the world, it's what life is all about, after all. If my boys are happy, I'm happy. It's that simple. Every day has its challenges, but life is filled with a greater purpose when you're a parent. This Mother's Day, I'll be doing all sorts of things I love with my boys. My top three favourite things to do on Mother's Day? 1. Going out for lunch with my ...

Mach Break Survival Guide With P&G

March Break is around the corner and that means... the kids will be home with us. All day. Every day. Yes, it's a beautiful thing, and in all honestly, I cherish all the time I have with my children. We're going to Mont Tremblant for a little getaway but for the days that we're here, we still want to keep the kids busy and active! I was on CTV Morning Live talking about ways to keep the busy this summer, while still staying sane at home, thanks to P&G. Here are some ideas I love: Camps: Get your kids in some sort of day camp! Whether it's for half the day, or full-day, has a list of all the great camps for your kids, to keep them busy, from sports to arts and drama. Tag Along Toys: Tag Along Toys, in Kanata or in the south end, has all the arts supplies and toys you'll need to keep your little ones entertained this March Break. They are even having hands-on activities for kids every day during March Break. In The Home: Before your kids s...