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May Is For Muddy Gardens Minus The Mess

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom ambassador. As part of my affiliation with this group, I receive products and have been compensated to put Tide to the stain test. The opinions on this blog are my own. 

It's May, and although it's been unseasonable cold this month, the last few days have finally proven that spring is most definitely hereā€”and we have some work to do to get our gardens ready for summer!

The sun is shining, the days are long, and I'm wearing my flip flops... which makes me so excited. Although I'm not naturally someone with a green thumb, this nice weather prompted me to get out and grow a little garden with some pretty flowers and tulips, as chosen by my children. That's right... we planted flowers outside and they look so pretty!

So far, so good, as the plants are alive and thriving, and... I didn't even break a nail. (Ha!) I did, however, get my white t-shirt covered in soil, and I was a little concerned I wouldn't be able to remove the stains so my little T would like like new again.

I put Tide Ultra Stain Release to the test, and was so surprised to see that after one wash, it was as good as new. Tide Ultra Stain Release really does "get it out", no matter what type of stain you're dealing with. Getting muddyā€”you or the kidsā€”is no problem with Tide Ultra Stain Release. Phew!

In fact, Tide removes over 100 stains in one wash, which is very good news since I'm a busy mom of two kids, who, especially now that the warmer days are here, are always outside playing without a care in the world if their clothes are getting stained and dirty. 

The process is pretty, simple, too. 

Here's how I get out even the toughest stains when I'm doing laundry:

1. I remove all excess stain debris from the garment (with a wet cloth, blotting the fabric to dilute the stain). 
2. I pre-treat large, tough stains by using the Tide Ultra Stain Release Zap!Cap as a pre-treatment (only if the stain is pretty big). 
3. I pop the clothes in the washer on a regular warm wash cycle and use Tide Ultra Stain Release. 

You can find out even more great tips on stain removal at

Now, go outside and get dirtyā€”you'll have one less thing to worry about now that you know your stains won't be a problem anymore!
