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Grocery Shopping Chaos (And Saving Mommy Minutes)

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom. As part of my affiliation with this group, I have been compensated to test the Loblaws Click & Collect service. The opinions and views on this blog are my own. 

One thing I love about being my own boss and working from home is having the flexibility to take my children to school, and to pick them up at the end of the day. In the hours between, I get a lot done, starting with going to the gym. I love my weekly routine, and working out is one thing I do first thing in the morning before I tackle all my workā€”housework, working, and the dreaded trips to the grocery store.

I can honestly say I spend a lot of time in the grocery store, buying food for my family (it truly is amazing just how much food two boys can eat in a week!) and other household items.

Of course, by the end of the week, I'm giving my kids whatever we have left in the house for breakfast and their school lunch, reminding myself that I need to head to the grocery store to stock up yet again, because no one wants a cheese sandwich for lunch.

I would say I'm in the grocery store an average of an hour or two every week. And that's being generous. Although I try to stay organized and shop with a list, I often find myself shopping in a scattered way throughout the grocery store. This is why we sometimes have several boxes of crackers and no bread at home. And this is definitely why I have a hard time coming up with dinner ideas every night, because I don't plan ahead like I should, or shop with a list. Often, I get home, only to discover I've actually forgotten to buy the things I needed. You know, the important things like milk, orange juice and eggs? Sigh. There has got to be a better way to grocery shop!

I know I could be doing so much more with my time if there was a more efficient and easy way to grocery shop. Just imagine how much more you could be doing instead of pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store aimlessly? I know I would rather spend the extra time at home, writing, or putting in another half hour at the gym, or grabbing lunch with my friends, especially now that patio season is in full swing. Heck, I'd even rather do another load of laundry!

Efficient grocery shopping means I can save mommy minutes, and that sounds like a solid plan to me.

I'll be writing about just how I plan on doing this next weekā€”and I'll be giving away a gift card to help you, too.

Who doesn't want more time to do the things they actually want to do? Sign me up!


binabug saidā€¦
I have gotten used to shopping friday mornings at 7am when the store opens. There is less traffic and there is actually food on the shelves, unlike weekends when I drive in and find empty row after empty row. I don't live in the city so for us its once a month in the winter time or twice a month in the summer. I usually have a list but I'm the only one who does the cooking so generally am the one who's used an item up, so know when I need more. I prob spend about an hour when I go as well but thats because the store is spread out so far. For us, if we run out, we do without as I found that when you make frequent trips in, you obviously spend more and buy things that you generally don't really need.