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Showing posts from June, 2013

My Love Affair With Blogging (And What's Next?)

Blogging began as a hobby for me in 2007, as a way to stay connected to my family and friends. This little blog of mine was the perfect platform to share my stories and pictures of my children as they grew from infants, to toddlers, to children. I never expected my blog to be anything other than a hobby, but it turned into something more; a career, of sorts, where I continue to write about the things I love, while earning an incomeā€”and giving back to the community whenever I can. The opportunities I've had have been nothing short of amazingā€”being featured in magazines, making appearances on television, co-hosting radio shows, emceeing events, speaking at conferences, and writing great reviews and giveaways for businesses and products I love to promote and support. It's certainly been one memorable experience after another.  I've attended conferences from California to New York City to Miami, I've danced with the Rockettes in Radio City Music Hall, and my f...

Music To My Ears

My children are are still young enough for me to cuddle any time I want to but they're also old enough to do a lot of things independently, like get dressed by themselves, brush their teeth, and help with household chores. (Although that last one doesn't happen as often as it should!)  Even though they're getting older every dayā€”they are now five and seven years oldā€”I remember their infant days as if it were yesterday. I recently watched my sister's wedding video, and I got so emotional. She was married in 2008, when my oldest son had just turned three, and my youngest was six months old. I couldn't believe how small my boys were. It brought tears to my eyes. My baby boys and their adorable smiles and laughter caught on video was so heartwarming. I'd give anything to go back in time, just for a moment. The infant days are fleeting, really. New parents go a little crazy when it come to taking pictures and recording their little ones, but you know what? It...

Why Twitter Sucks

Twitter is all sorts of awesome, and I'll blog about the many reasons why, one day soon, when I'm off Twitter long enough to be able to do so. (Kidding. I'm hardly ever on Twitter! Haha! ) However, there a few reason why Twitter is not awesome.  Like the times you send out a tweet saying:  Loukia  ā€ @ MrsLoulou 5m It was love (lust, whatever) at first sight.   Hide photo   Reply     Delete     Favorite     More And your sister replies, telling you she's going to go buy the very dress you're planning on buying!  Gina Mertikas  ā€ @ GinaMertikas 4m @ MrsLoulou where is this dress? i will buy it.   View conversation   Reply     Retweet     Favorite     More I don't think so! That's just not going to happen, little sister. Now we'll see who makes it to Banana Republic first. Challenge ON....

Tips For Traveling With Children: From What To Wear To What To Pack

I was only a few months old the first time I traveled on a plane. I lived in Greece the first year of my life, and every second year after that, my parents would take me to Greece for the summer. I have fond memories of Greece, and of traveling with my family. From Florida to Maine to England, I enjoyed every vacation and the memories from each trip. Now my boys are avid travelers, tooā€”from flying to road trips, they're got the travel bug like their mom. They're on their third passports, already. My children are easy and laid-back little travelers, which makes it much easier on me. I think traveling with your children at least once a year is very important. Travel really is  "...the only thing you buy that makes you richer." Even though we often go to our favourite resort  in south Florida every winter, each time we go, we leave with new wonderful memories to last a lifetime. It's become sort of a second home away from home for my boys. I have learned a...

Back In The Day

Back in the day , I  wore Vuarnet shirts. I spent hours perfecting the safety pins that went down my horribly awful high-waisted  jeans. I wore push-down socks, sometimes in two different colours, with my Docs. I wore Stussy hats and shopped at L.L. Bean and I loved my desert boots. I had Duckies for rainy days, and I tried for years to perfect the teased bangs look, like Samantha on Who's The Boss. I used a lot of hair spray. I had Converse, and Tretorns, of course. I would wear my hair in a side low ponytail because it was cool. I had a million hair bands. I listened to WHAM! My yellow Sony walk-man was an essential part of who I was.  I shopped almost exclusively at Benetton and Esprit and I loved wearing gummy bracelets and mis-matched earrings. There is so much I miss about my past. I miss being in school, I miss the innocence, I miss homework, even.  I miss that there was really nothing to worry about.  I miss lunches pac...

The Best Way To Shop Online

After my children, family, and friends, the two things I love the most in this world are traveling and shopping.  Can you believe I only just recently got an AIR MILES card? I am seriously weeping thinking about all the lost opportunities I have missed! Free flights, discounts on my favorite items from my favorite stores, and so much more.  Anyway, I'm here to tell you I am now a proud member of the AIR MILES card carrying club! And I'm now an avid points collector, too. I feel like I have a reason to shop now, and this reason actually rewards me. When I was introduced to , I got a little excited. Okay, a lot excited.  J.Crew, Old Navy, Gap,, Banana Republic, Apple, Lands' End,, Victoria's Secret, Club Monaco, Aldo, Nordstrom, The Body Shop, and The LEGO Store are just some of the AIR MILES participating stores, and I couldn't be happier. Those are pretty much all the stores I regularly shop at, in person, or online. ...

Happy Father's Day (And A Gift From Philips)

It's almost Father's Day! What does this mean? It means the school year has almost come to an end, and thank goodness for that because I am so over homework! I think my children feel the exact same way.   Oh, was I talking about Father's Day? Sorry! We celebrate Father's Day by giving dad a day off, a day to do whatever he wants. I love surprising my dad and my husband with unexpected gifts, too, like leaving them with the kids for some quality time while I go shopping. I'm kidding. I love gifting them with something they might not think of buying themselves but something that's practical and well-made, too. I am going to surprise the men in my life this Father's Day with the new Philips SensoTouch 3D wet and dry electric shaver. Wet or dry? A quick dry shave mean less time for the hubs in the bathroom, and more time for ME to shower in the morning, right?  I think I love this idea!  Philips has given me a sweet basket filled with things the d...

Everything Old Is New Again (And A Sweet Gift For 25 Of You!)

Doesn't it seem that lately, everything old is new again? From hairstyles (side low ponytail, anyone?) to movies (sigh... The Great Gatsby!)  the things I loved are coming back better than before. With certain exceptions (there can never be a re-make of Dirty Dancing!) taking a much-loved classic and making it new again is a very good thing. This just happened to one of my favourite cerealsā€”Honey Nut Cheerios! Honey Nut Cheerios has gone where they haven't gone before, and switched things up a little, while keeping what made us love them, all those years ago. What's new, you ask? Now, you can have Honey Nut Cheerios Hearty Oat Crunch for breakfast! Along with what you already loved about this cereal, it now comes with crispy oat flakes and nut clusters for a taste that so good , you'll want  breakfast for lunch and dinner, too. (I think I just invented my new diet!) I received a box and within two days, my boys and I had finished it. They very, very enthusiasti...