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Happy Father's Day (And A Gift From Philips)

It's almost Father's Day! What does this mean? It means the school year has almost come to an end, and thank goodness for that because I am so over homework! I think my children feel the exact same way.
Oh, was I talking about Father's Day? Sorry! We celebrate Father's Day by giving dad a day off, a day to do whatever he wants.
I love surprising my dad and my husband with unexpected gifts, too, like leaving them with the kids for some quality time while I go shopping. I'm kidding. I love gifting them with something they might not think of buying themselves but something that's practical and well-made, too.
I am going to surprise the men in my life this Father's Day with the new Philips SensoTouch 3D wet and dry electric shaver. Wet or dry? A quick dry shave mean less time for the hubs in the bathroom, and more time for ME to shower in the morning, right?  I think I love this idea! 
Philips has given me a sweet basket filled with things the dad in your life will love. 
This Philips Basket includes:
  • The Philips SensoTouch (valued at $159.99)
  • A stainless steel travel mug 
  • A sleeping eye mask and ear plugs (perfect for business travel!)
  • A Blue Jays baseball hat for game night
  • A Face Buff Energizing Scrub

This basket is the perfect gift to give to your dad or your husband, no matter his style. Now that I'm made Father's Day shopping easier for you, you have time to bake a batch of his favourite cookies. Or, you know... buy some.
To enter to win this Father's Day Philips Gift Basket, just leave me a comment telling me what you love about your Father!
I'll pick the winner randomly on June 7th!

Good Luck!


Sam saidā€¦
Other than the fact that he was a big part in brining me to this world, my dad also gave me an important lesson that I try to put to good use: be there for your kids. His generation wasn't always exactly leading by example in this domain.

Thanks, dad.
Jonnie (JB) saidā€¦
I love that my father is so encouraging and non-judgemental. He has 10 kids so he's seen and heard it all. He never looks at me like I'm crazy or shoots down my ideas.
Nour Acheson saidā€¦
Unfortunately my dad passed away almost 10 years ago so it's been hard without him. He was an amazing father! My husband is also a wonderful father. I love the way he loves our children. He loves to take them to the park often which is great for me because it gives me time to get things done at home. I love you Michael!
Glogirl saidā€¦
I love that my father always has his family's best interests at heart. Whatever he does, he does it for the love of his family.

Vesper saidā€¦
Can't really say as my Father has not been part of my life since I was a teenager though my father-in-law makes up for that in being there for me when I have needed him

meikleblog at gmail dot com

Erika E saidā€¦
I love that I can always talk to him about anything. He's always willing to listen and give advise. And help out when he can.
silverneon2000 saidā€¦
I am slowly letting my dad back in my life. Small steps. So I like the patients that he has. While we are taking each step.

silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
Robin saidā€¦
My Dad is no longer with us but the wisdom he imparted to me over the years helped me I believe becoming the father I am today. Sometimes the lessons were tough, but even through the gruff exterior his love came through.

Unknown saidā€¦
To be honest, I didn't grow up with my father. I do however, have a man that is the father of our two boys. What's so great is seeing our boys have a positive role model and knowing that this man will always be there for them. They will never know what it's like to not have a father like I did. I actually don't feel like I missed out on having a father (you can't miss something you never had), but it means so much to me to know that they will grow up with one.
ginette4 saidā€¦
I love that my father is a jokster, always telling jokes and making people laugh, he's amazing at everything he does, ask him to build something and he'll do it. He built his house, him and my mother, two amazing parents :)
anger_family @yahoo dot com
flowerchild saidā€¦
I loved that my father was so easy going, funny and had a sense of humor.
Victoria Ess saidā€¦
I love that he put everyone in our family first, and made sure we had everything we needed.
