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Showing posts from February, 2012


Life is busy. Sometimes overwhelmingly so. Being a mom is a constant job, and having a full-time job on top of everything else? Might as well throw the word balance out the window. But, busy is good, for the most part, despite the lack of sleep and constantly being on the go. I do wish life came with a pause button, though. These moments with my boys are precious, all of them. And time passes too quickly, it's almost scary. The days I can drop the boys off at school and pick them up are extra moments with them that I'm grateful for. Conversations in the car, extra hugs on the playground, and big smiles when they see me at the end of their day make my heart skip a beat. I wish my schedule would allow me to do drop-off and pick-up everyday. It's something I'm working on. Blogging has slowed down a bit for me, because I can't turn the computer on when I'm home and my children are awake. If there are distractions, I might miss things like: "Mommy, I don't ...

How I Wear My Jeans

This series is brought to you by Leviā€™sĀ® Curve ID. Find your custom fit at Leviā€™sĀ® stores or They're your go-to pair of pants. The ones you wear to a party, for a night out on the town, and when you're at the park with your children. You had a favourite pair in high school, and you remember wearing them with safety pins. You wore them high-waisted when you were young and didn't know any better, and those pictures now make you cringe-laugh. You wore them super-low when you were a teenager and in your early twenties, and those pictures now make you miss the days when your abs were so perfectly flat that you could get away with wearing them like that. They're part of the perfect outfit for date night, paired with a sexy top and heels, and you wear them to work with a blazer. You have more than one pair; in fact, you have too many pairs to admit, but they're an investment, and besides, once you find your perfect pair, it only makes sense to buy as many as you ...

Family Day: You're invited!

It seems like February is the busiest month of the year. Maybe because it's a short month, or maybe because keeping busy when it's so cold helps us forget how bad the weather is outside. I have Post-It notes everywhere to remind me of all things I will likely forget if I don't have constant reminders to look at. I'm happy it's a busy month, because it means we are one step closer to summer. (Call me optimistic if you will...) I've been busy playing catch-up at home and at work, and staying on top of all the school and after school activities with my boys while trying to maintain a somewhat active social life. Also, can we talk about how hard it is to get six year old boys to focus on homework? It's not an easy task, let me tell you. I'm breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like to be, here or on my Yummy Mummy Club shopping blog , but I hope to fall into a more regular routine again once all...

Adventures from Florida

Whenever I go on vacation with my family, something crazy always happens. Whether it's locking my six month old baby in the hotel room by accident, or being stuck in a Cuban resort during a hurricane, we bring home many memories. Souvenirs, if you will. The craziness usually starts in the airport before we even board the plane, and the adventures continue from that point on. My family and I spent a week near Miami, at the Westin Resort and Spa, where we go every year. The kids love it, and I do, too. The pools are beautiful, the location is perfect (10 minutes from Aventura Mall, 10 minutes to Bal Harbour Shops, and nooo I don't base my vacations on shopping destinations... um... not completely, anyway!) and we're right on the beach. I choose Florida as our winter getaway destination every year because being the worrier that I am, I like knowing that if we had a medical emergency, we'd have excellent health care, like we do in Canada. I never thought we'd h...