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Life is busy. Sometimes overwhelmingly so. Being a mom is a constant job, and having a full-time job on top of everything else? Might as well throw the word balance out the window. But, busy is good, for the most part, despite the lack of sleep and constantly being on the go. I do wish life came with a pause button, though. These moments with my boys are precious, all of them. And time passes too quickly, it's almost scary.

The days I can drop the boys off at school and pick them up are extra moments with them that I'm grateful for. Conversations in the car, extra hugs on the playground, and big smiles when they see me at the end of their day make my heart skip a beat. I wish my schedule would allow me to do drop-off and pick-up everyday. It's something I'm working on.

Blogging has slowed down a bit for me, because I can't turn the computer on when I'm home and my children are awake. If there are distractions, I might miss things like: "Mommy, I don't want to go to university or get married because I want to stay with you forever!" from my little four year old. Yes, he and his brother melt my heart on a daily basis.

I love blogging because I'm able to share stories here with my readers about the joys and struggles about motherhood. I also love the people I've met through blogging, and the opportunities I have been given.

This past long weekend, I hung out with some of my favourite online friends, people who inspire me, and people I admire for the work they do and the words they write. I attended a reception hosted by Kathy Buckworth with my mom along with other Ottawa bloggers to meet David Chilton - The Wealthy Barber. He was amazing to meet in person, and to hear him speak was incredible. I have actually been reading his book, and reading a book on being financially responsible is not like me at all. He makes it fun, though. Did I mention David is a stand-up comedian? He was hilarious, and I hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. Note to self: Stalk David until he agrees to meet with me for an interview!

Some of my favourite Canadian bloggers with Yummy Mummy Club were in town this past weekend, too, celebrating Winterlude. I attended as many (indoor) events as I could, and I got to hug Erica, Ali, Connie, Sharon and Kat again.

Conversations and laughs with these fabulous ladies are always so nice, but never long enough. Hanging out with bloggers I adore always makes me smile.

Monday was a holiday, and I spent it with my boys and hosted a really fun family event at Old Navy. Hosting an event in a store that I love shopping in? Totally my thing. I had a blast, the music was awesome, and the kids didn't want to leave.

Normally my kids are the ones screaming when they come into contact with a shopping mall, but this was the exception. There was a cookie and juice bar, and a table full of fun crafts. I loved hosting Old Navy's Funnovation Imaginarium, and can't wait for the next opportunity.

Yes, life is busy, but life is full, and I'm okay with that. Busy is hard, but busy is good. Even if I haven't figured out how to do it all, and likely never will, I'm taking things at my own pace. And enjoying the experiences I have been blessed to have. If I could get a few more hours of a sleep a night, though? That would be awesome. Any tips on how to manage that?


sharon saidā€¦
You in that hat? Cuteness times ten!
Erica Ehm saidā€¦
You are one busy mama. And you look good. How do you do that??
Oh, so fun! You're always so busy, Lou. If I were that busy, I would look all ragged and pooped out like an old dishrag, and not all fresh and gorgeous like you! :)
alimartell saidā€¦
I am so mad I missed the Old Navy event...but so so so so so happy I got to see you, even for just a few minutes.

I wish you lived closer to me.
Unknown saidā€¦
Oh yes, the extra sleep would be great! And I'd probably get it if I could just shut down my dang computer earlier, and not be trying to catch up on Downton Abbey... ;)

Love all the pics and all the fun! :)
Loved seeing you too! And I so agree: that hat redefines adorable. As do you. :) xo
Loukia saidā€¦
Now I have to go back to buy that hat!
Avitable saidā€¦
Just duct tape your boys to the wall, and then you'll have more free time!
Lisa saidā€¦
Dear god you're photogenic girl! Looks like you all had a blast. I was sorry to miss out. Had a milestone bday party I couldn't miss. Hope to see you next time you're in town!!!
Ann Imig saidā€¦
Just yesterday a I was telling myself to distinguish between busy and stressed.

Life is busy, and it's important to recognize when it's pretty darn wonderful too--like you do in this post.
