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Showing posts from September, 2011

Old School Blogging

A couple of nights ago, I was thinking about how much I miss Old School Blogging. You know? From a few years ago, when things were just... blogs, and nothing more? Just our stories, written from our hearts, here for the world, for our little community, to read? When we had more time, it seems, to sit down and read posts from start to finish, when we were able to comment without problems because we weren't doing it from our iPhones, and when we didn't "favourite" every post we wanted to eventually get around to reading... (because we don't always get back to those posts, do we?) I started blogging in 2007, which to some of you is still not even that Old School , but to me, it's well... old enough. My first born son, now in grade one, was only 18 months old when I started this little blog. This little blog has been very good to me, for so many reasons, mainly because of the friendships I've formed, and the opportunties I've experienced. I'm very t...

My interview with Roller Girl at TIFF

I've always been fascinated with Hollywood. After university, I applied to intern at various news stations like CNN, NBC, and CBS in Washington, D.C. I was accepted to all, and chose CBS. Looking back, I'd have chosen CNN, but as a 20-something recent graduate, picking the location with the shortest subway ride to and from the news station made a lot of sense to me. After that, I interned at Entertainment Tonight in Hollywood, California, which was a huge dream of mine. I was completely in awe from the second I walked onto the Paramount Studios lot, blown away by the constant action, and the television and movie sets. I didn't meet anyone famous unless you count Mary Hart, but I did drive up to the Hollywood sign and imagined one day owning a house there. (I'm now aware that not all dreams come true.) I loved Rodeo Drive as much as I thought I would, and I sat in Mary Hart's chair a few times. I left the internship early, to take a job I was offered in radio back...


10 years ago today the world changed for us all. Every since that fateful day, I think of things as "before" and "after". The horror of 9/11 has had a ripple effect on everybody, even on children who weren't born yet. My boys have asked questions about the framed poster of the twin towers in our basement and we've had to explain to them the best we can why those towers are no longer part of New York City's landscape. They're reminded of that day when we travel, like the time they had their liquid-filled rubber balls taken from them because the balls were considered a 'threat'. Try explaining tha t to a two year old. They are reminded of that day when they have to take off their shoes as they walk through security at the airport. Each time, my youngest child cries, not fully grasping why he has to do this. Each time, it breaks my heart. This is nothing to complain about, really, as I put our safety above all else; it's just a tiny example ...

Champagne Celebrations

If I had to describe this past weekend in one word? Perfection. I was invited to stay at the Marriott Bloor Yorkville with my family for my birthday. A weekend in one of my favourite cities with my family? I couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate turning 35 years old. In fact, this was a birthday to remember! Not only were we going to be staying in my favourite location in Toronto - right in the middle of Yorkville - but we were going to be staying in the two-floor Presidential Suite . The pictures I saw of the suite on the website took my breath away, and I knew my children would be in heaven, too. My little boys, already such seasoned travellers, love staying in nice hotels. I don't blame them. The best part about going on trips with my children is building new memories and spending lots of quality time together, time that is filled with laughter and non-stop giggles. When we arrived at the hotel in our GM Traverse (thanks again, Adria - this vehicle was an ...

35 things

It's my BIRTHDAY! I'm 25 35 years old. I'm not getting any younger, am I? The truth is, I'm okay with 29. I mean, 30. FINE, 35. Seriously, there is nothing scary about getting older. I still feel as youthful today as I did when I was 20. Except, well, I'm more tired. And sometimes, I ache. And I've recently caught myself squinting at my computer screen. Anyway, let's not focus on those things! Age is just a number, after all, and not nearly as important a number as the one on the inside of your jeans! (Ha.) There are some things I miss about being younger, like not having to worry about real life issues. Real life issues like bills and cooking and worrying about your children when they are sick. I've got to say, life was far easier when I was younger, when life's biggest worry was whether or not I'd score a good parking spot as I arrived always late to campus. Or the stress about what I was going to wear every morning. Wait ...

The controversial t-shirt

Years ago, before I became a mom, I bought a shirt from Abercrombie and Fitchā€”a graphic long sleeved t-shirt with this saying on it: Dependently Wealthy . I thought it was a perfect shirt for me, since I always relied on my parents to pay off my credit card debt. I shopped freely, knowing that even though I'd get one heck of a lecture from my father, I'd do it all again the next month. I was very convincing, I guess, when I solemnly looked at my parents and said: "I promise I won't shop not even once this month!" No, this is not behaviour I am proud of, but since handing over my Gold AMEX to my parents before I walked down the aisle, I have learned a few things. I still love to shop, a lot. Having a credit card WITH a limit has helped, a lot. I don't like shopping with cash, ever. I'd rather put cotton balls in my ears then hear about how I spend too much money, again. The message on the shirt is still funny, at least to me. Now, let's ta...