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Showing posts from March, 2009

What are you doing this weekend?

Is it too soon to be talking about the weekend already? It's never too soon to start planning, right? It just so happens that this is going to be one seriously busy weekend for me, and I'm very much looking forward to it! Friday night, my mom, local artist Katerina Mertikas , is having an art show at Koyman Gallery . If you are an art lover, please do come by the show! I also just found out through Andrea that on Friday night, you can participate in a free outdoor star party at the science and tech museum! There will be a lot of telescopes for you to use and the Observatory will be open. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain! Christos is going to be so very happy, since he is currently obsessed with the Universe, the stars, the moon, and all the planets. The other day he asked for a telescope! (Did you know it was the International Year of Astronomy? I didn't know this, but there are even more 'star-worthy' events going on at the Museum, as well!) I ...

Heaven... through the eyes of a 3 and a half year old!

No words needed. Well, okay, some words needed. All you have to know is this is the first thing my little boy saw outside of his house this morning. And did you happen to know that one of his favourite trucks of all just happens to be a street sweeper? Oh yes, heaven.

Why do weekends go by so quickly?

Hope you all had a great weekend, despite the rain on Sunday - wasn't Saturday just a gorgeous day, though? We spent most if it outside - enjoying the beautiful spring day! And Dimitry got his first haircut, too - I took him to Melonhead , the children's salon, in Place D'Orleans. He was a bit nerveous, but did not cry at all! The bubbles as a distraction and the fact that he eventually just sat in my lap helped keep him relaxed! I think his hair is a bit too short, though - but I know it'll grow soon! ;) The boys just continue to amaze me everyday - each one is at such a precious age, and I cannot get enough of them... as tiring as it on some days, it's just such a blessing, you know? We also got together with all our friends on Saturday night to celebrate hubby's birthday - we had a great night with great food - isn't Baton Rouge just the yummiest? I know I've mentioned Stellan to you before - today I wanted to talk about his name gallery - click her...

The weekend is here!

I've had a lovely Friday so far - took the morning off, and went shopping with baby boy for a birthday cake for hubby - it's his birthday today! I asked the lady to write: 'Happy Birthday, Daddy' on the cake, but when she was done, I saw that she had written: 'Happy Birthday, Dady' instead... yeah... anyway, they fixed it! Then came home and played with Christos during Dimitry's nap and then took them for a walk and now I am going to work. Tomorrow night - celebrating with all our wonderful friends at one of our favourite restaurants in Ottawa. Also, please continue to keep Stellan in your thoughts and prayers. Things are just not looking that good for him right now... he's in my prayers. I hope you all enjoy the weekend - today has just been a fabulous spring day! UPDATE******** MckMama's latest blog update sounded much more positive about Stellan; I'm still praying for them and I'm hoping things get better for little Stellan soon.

Picture fun!

Just for fun, some pictures! My mini-chef, making his favourite, a Greek salad. This is usually his night-time snack! My little Greek boy! Exploring the world of colours... Things got really, really messy. But they had so much fun! Christos's crystal store. He always buys news gems or stones from the gift shop at the Museum of Nature. The two brothers actually doing something quietly together! Having fun at Cosmic Adventures...

My little genius...

Last night, my 3 and a half year old was helping his daddy organize the basement. As he was sweeping, he said to me that he now wants to be a 'Destruction worker' instead of a 'construction worker' because he loves to destroy things. Well, I just thought that was totally genius of him! He made up a word! And then I realized that 'destruction' is already a word that exists. Man, I must be losing brain cells with this lack of sleep! (And yes, my children HAVE been going to bed by 9 lately, but I still stay up way past midnight - I'll just never learn, will I?) Last night, the boys did some finger painting. It was Dimitry's first time, and he was loving it! They were both so cute, I had to take some pictures, which I'll post here soon. Oh, also? I found my bracelet! Well, actually, my son found my bracelet behind some frames in our kitchen. So hoorah! Now I can save my money for something more practical. Like a new charm for my bracelet, perhaps? ;) Als...

Thoughts and prayers needed...

I stumbled upon this great blog not too long ago. This mother has 4 children, and she's a wonderful blogger - each post has an average of like, 500 comments - she's also a fantastic photographer - check our her blog, you'll see... Anyway, right now her baby is in the hospital with heart problems. Things are pretty bad at the moment. You can read her story on her blog. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers tonight. Thanks.

Q's and A's with a 3 year old!

While my 3 and a half year old was taking a bath last night, I decided to ask him some questions so I could write them down in my journal to him. Even though I pretty much knew all the answers ahead of time, it was fun, and he was a willing participant! What's your favourite colour? Turquise What's the opposite of Black? White What does mommy do all day? Work What does Dimitry do all day? He just sits there... and poos on the floor. ( Yes, this did happen last night, as he went diaper-less for 30 seconds in our family room!) What's your favourite song? No One, The Garbage Truck Song, and Boom De-Ada. ( Boom De-Ada from that great Discovery Channel commercial - don't you love it? ) Who sings No One? Aleeesia Keys. What do you want to be when you grow up? A construction worker. What kind of truck do you want to drive? A grabber, a Bulldozer, a front-end loader and a snow plow. Not boring trucks. Dump trucks - that's the most boring truck. What do you really like? Sat...


Just for fun... wow, 2 posts in one day means I am really procrastinating! 1600-h/CZwedding.jpg">

You know you're a mom when...

I wrote this some time ago. I have made some edits in italics! You know you're a mom when... - the most exciting email you get in a day is the one from your mom telling you that your baby pooed! Yay! - even when your baby is no longer in the room, the TV is still on Treehouse. - you sing really loud and act really silly in public i.e. Loblaws, Chapters, Starbucks because it makes your baby laugh. - you no longer go to the movies every week. - you don't really care that you don't go to the movies anymore. - your old jeans still don't fit you... 18 months later. (Try 3 and a half years and 2 babies later!) - you only talk about your child ren . (Some things never change!) - every 'non-parent' issue seems boring and like, soooo not an issue anymore! - you wonder why you're working and not at home with you child (until you remember how expensive diapers and formula are). - your magazine subsriptions are no longer to US Weekly and Glamour, but to Parents and Toda...

A feast like no other!

These pictures are all from last year's great Greek Easter feast! For us Greeks, the biggest time of the year is not Christmas, even though it's still a huge celebration - it's Easter. Greek Orthodox Easter this year is on April 19th and what marks this festive and happy occasion is - FOOD! Yes, we Greeks love our food, and Easter is a time to celebrate that love of food. The warm smell of my grandmother's bread and tsoureki, my mother-in-law's koulouria (Greek cookies), and of course... the lamb... oh, the lamb... Easter is the greatest time of year for food, feasting and celebrating family. Eater time, from carnival time (which is huge in Patras, my dad's hometown) right through Holy Week is a special season in Greece. The Carnival (Apokria) season starts around Mardi Gras time and ends on Sunday with the burning of the Carnival King - setting fire to an enormous paper machƩ effigy of Judas. Fireworks and feasting continue through the night and the next day (t...