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Showing posts from June, 2012

OH, Canada...

July 1st is Canada Day, a day most Canadians celebrate. It's the day we are reminded just how lucky we are to be living in this wonderful country, land of the home and free. Whether you're celebrating Canada Day at the cottage, having a backyard BBQ, or setting off fireworks, it's a day to reflect on all the reasons it rocks to be Canadian. Why it's so awesome being Canadian: We all live in igloos. Yup, we do. And it snows here, like 365 days a year. We don't consider an inch of snow a national disaster. We know how to shovel. Our money is colourful. The Tragically Hip. This is my number one favourite Canadian band, and I love, love, love their music. So many of their songs bring back special memories, or specific instances, and they are just so very Canadian. We have  universal health care . And freedom. And maple syrup. Poutine. Enough said. Our national anthem. Oh, Canada! We're polite. We are overly familiar with saying Please,...


After a totally stressful I-want-to-rip-my-hair-out visit to the grocery store with my children a couple of years ago, my car was stolen right before my eyes in the parking lot. As if that wasn't enough to turn an otherwise good day bad, it was also the day John Hughes died . John Hughes, the man responsible for 85% of my favourite movies , had passed away. The man who made movies we could all relate to (after all who hasn't had to deal with unrequited love?) was no longer alive. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The Breakfast Club. Sixteen Candles. Pretty in Pink. Sigh. And other classics like National Lampoon's Vacation, Plane, Trains, and Automobiles, Uncle Buck, and of course, my youngest son's favourite movie, Home Alone. All these movies are thanks to John Hughes, who nailed it, with each film. The actors. The sountracks. The humour. The heartache. The man was a genius. So was Nora Ephron. Nora Ephron was a brilliant writer, producer, and director who...

The Comfort Zone

I've gone out of my comfort zone many times, either by choice, or by force, and most of the time, the results haven't destroyed me. After all, some things are worth taking a risk for, don't you think? We only live once, and all that jazz. I am not the biggest risk taker, and I would never willingly jump out of a plane. However, I love roller coasters and the awesome feeling that comes with being on rides at amusment parks. I love the thrill. I like to ski, as long as I know the hill I'm on. But as soon as I'm on an unfamiliar hill , I freeze, and fear takes over. Like the time I was on a double black diamond hill and didn't even know until my friend told me and I decided to sit and shuffle my way down? Yeah, I was totally out of my comfort zone, and I hated it. But looking back, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I survived. And now, I have a story to tell. I went snow tubing once, which was most definitely out of my comfort zone, and the time I went...

Thanks, Dad...

Here's something I can finally admit, because I'm no longer a child. My father was always right, about everything. I've written about my mom before, but I don't think in all the years I've been blogging I have ever written in any length about my dad. From the talks we'd have about studying harder, learning French, arriving to work early, not spending all my money on clothes and shoes and make-up,  and being respectful of others, he was always right. We may have banged heads when I was growing up, and especially during my teenage years, but he's always been there for me. He is the one, after all, who put up with me while I learned to drive a stick-shift in a 1980 white VW cabrio, handed me the keys to my first car, and the one who was first on the scene of every car accident I have been in. (Not that many, but more than a few...) He never got mad at me, even when I was at fault, only caring for me, and not the reason behind the accident. Sin...

Mad Obsession

True story. Once you start, you won't be able to stop. It took me a while to get into it, but man, once I started? Once I let it take me over? I instantly fell in love. I became addicted. I was obsessed. And now, it's all I think about. When I'm in the shower. When I'm in bed. When I'm walking down the street, feeling like I'm living in the wrong decade. I even apply my lipstick differently now. And I dyed my hair red .Okay, not yet, but I'm thinking about it... I'm finallyā€” finally ā€”watching Mad Men . My husband told me I should start watching a long time ago, and I never got around to it. Then Ali told me I had to start watching, and one night, I did. My mistake was watching the last three episodes of Season 5 first. But now, I'm in the middle of Season 1 and I'm hooked.   I think I'm even walking like Joan today. Minus the sexy outfits, I'm just wearing jeans. I have been staying up past 1 a.m. every night this week, catch...

June Days

Summer is here, and that means summer blogging hours have begun. I don't have as much time to read all the blogs I love, and I don't have enough time to write as often as I'd like, but for now, that's ok. I'm not going anywhere. Although things are not dreadfully busy at work since I found out I was a surplus employee, (meaning that I am essentially laid-off, but able to stay at my current place of employement for one year looking for a new jobā€”yay me) I am still busy with all that other stuffā€”you know, life? Yup. Although I crave more time online, I don't go near my laptop when I'm home with my boys. I love just being with them , without any distractions. They are all the entertainment I need, after all. I've been busy keeping my shopping blog up to date, writing about summer essentials and the top five family friendly places to travel to this summer , and much more. Go, read... I'll be waiting. Since hot, sunny days are here, we're a...

With Thanks and Love

It has been such a great honour being one of ten bloggers selected to work with the Children's Miracle Network , promoting and raising awareness for the great things these hospitals to for our children, every single day. I wrote at length about how much CHEO, the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, means to my family and I , and how absolutely thankful we are for the great care our son received when he was sick. My goal was to raise $1000 for CHEO, and I'm almost there. Thanks to my many wonderful friends and readers, we managed to raise over $700. I couldn't have done this without out, so thank you, for your support and love. Please know that 100% of the money raised goes straight to CHEO for them to help make more miracles, every single day. There is no greater cause, I think, than supporting a hospital all our children rely on. I'm so, so thankful. If you wanted to, you can still donate , and help me reach my goal. It takes two seconds, and you can also...