July 1st is Canada Day, a day most Canadians celebrate. It's the day we are reminded just how lucky we are to be living in this wonderful country, land of the home and free. Whether you're celebrating Canada Day at the cottage, having a backyard BBQ, or setting off fireworks, it's a day to reflect on all the reasons it rocks to be Canadian. Why it's so awesome being Canadian: We all live in igloos. Yup, we do. And it snows here, like 365 days a year. We don't consider an inch of snow a national disaster. We know how to shovel. Our money is colourful. The Tragically Hip. This is my number one favourite Canadian band, and I love, love, love their music. So many of their songs bring back special memories, or specific instances, and they are just so very Canadian. We have universal health care . And freedom. And maple syrup. Poutine. Enough said. Our national anthem. Oh, Canada! We're polite. We are overly familiar with saying Please,...
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