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So after stressing over whether I should still go to BlogHer or take a best friends trip to New York City two weeks later - I have decided that this year, it's BlogHer for me.

I received a lot of comments, emails and phone calls from my best friends and from fellow bloggers, and the one thing everyone agreed on was that I had a hard decision to make. (I have a hard enough time deciding what to wear when I get up in the morning!)

My best friends and I see each other all the time. And we always go on one getaway a year together - so I know I'll be joining them wherever we go next summer. And I know they'll still love me even though I won't be in NYC with them.

This is the year for me to go to BlogHer - so my decision (finally!) has been made. And I am so excited!

Oh, and can I ask a favour of you? Can you pretty please vote for me for the 2010 BlogLuxe Awards? I was nominated (thank you!) in the Guilty Pleasure category along with some totally awesome blogs. (Um, I'm in the same category as Pioneer Woman? Wow!) I can't wait to attend the SocialLuxe party this year in New York City! It only takes a minute to vote, so if you can, I'd love your vote. Please click here ! Thank you! (You can vote once a day until July 12th, too.)

Are you going to BlogHer? If you are let me know - I can't wait to meet you!


CaraBee saidā€¦
Yay! Can't wait to see you! Heading over to vote now!
Shell saidā€¦
Already voted for ya, lady!
Unknown saidā€¦
I hope you have such a fabulous time at Blogher! I have never been to a conference like that. Can't wait to hear about it : )
Gina saidā€¦
Voted! Have fun at BlogHer!!
motherbumper saidā€¦
I'll be there :) See you in NYC!
Caitlin saidā€¦
I'll be at BlogHer! Congratulations on being nominated, so exciting!
Jackie Higgins saidā€¦
I voted for you. I love your blog! It was very easy to vote (sometimes they make it SO hard.) So everyone else has no excuse now. :)
The Undomestic Mom saidā€¦
love your blog! Im so jealous that your going to BlogHer! Im off to vote for you!
rachel... saidā€¦
Not going! Just can't leave my babies. Maybe some year...

I think it would be fun to meet a lot of the bloggers that I feel like I've 'known' for so long, though. Have fun!
Stephanie saidā€¦
Oh I am so so happy for you...and just a little bit jealous! Maybe I'll go next year! Off to vote of you:)
Jill saidā€¦
Woo hoo on going to BlogHer! I just booked my ticket earlier this week... should be a fun weekend.
Christy saidā€¦
Yeah! Can't wait to meet you!
Jessica saidā€¦
I bet that was a difficult decision! I had to decide on whether or not to attend Blogher or use that money towards a 2010 family vacation. Of course, guilt set in and I decided to use the money towards a family trip instead (I'm such a mom). I'm sad about missing such a great event, but happy that my family will have a trip to look forward to.

ENJOY Blogher! I cannot wait to read about it on your blog.