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Step Into Spring With Stella And Dot And Win a $50 Gift Card

Now that spring is in the air, it's time to to start shopping and making room in our closet for colourful dresses, wedge-heeled sandals, and fun accessories that can take your outfits from day to night effortlessly. 

I love changing up my outfits with fun accessories, from sunglasses to necklaces and braceletsā€“and there's no better way to add cute and stylish pieces to your wardrobe than by shopping Stella and Dot. Whether you've hosted a Stella and Dot party or just attended one, I'm sure you've left with quite the haulā€“and it's so easy to do, because everything is so affordable... and super cute!

I love the huge selection of necklaces, bracelets, and rings Stella and Dot offers. And no matter your style, you'll always find something you love for yourself, or to gift to a friend. (And, bonus: if you host a Stella and Dot party, you're guaranteed to score some beautiful pieces for yourself at no cost). A night in with your favourite girlfriends, some wine, and fabulous jewellery is always a great idea.

To help you welcome spring back into your life, I'm giving away a $50 Stella and Dot gift card so you can choose something that's perfect for you to wear this season. 

Just leave me a comment telling me what you're looking forward to this season and I'll pick a winner randomly on April 12th.

Good Luck!


Glogirl saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to the warmer weather so I can pull out my sandals!

This Mom saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to putting away my winter yard duty coat and boots!
binabug saidā€¦
I'm all about getting out side at 5am to drink my coffee in the sunshine and get my sandals and capris out....maybe even a pair of shorts.... I hate all this cold wet weather
Corrie D. saidā€¦
I am looking forward to being able to work in my garden again! Spring has taken its time to come here, and I'm going into backyard-gardening withdrawals. :)
Unknown saidā€¦
I am looking forward to getting my flip flops on and sitting back in the sun and drinking my tea!
lynnsbeans saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to a family vacation
Jackiekatie1105 saidā€¦
I am looking forward to spending the day fixing up my yard and going on a walk with my 3 lbs dog
Jenny saidā€¦
I am looking forward to nice spring walks with my dog
Unknown saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to gardening
Rhonda saidā€¦
I am so looking forward to being outdoors and feeling warm. Coffee on the porch...and flowers!
Jonnie (JB) saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to getting our yard work done so I can start a vegetable garden
Jill saidā€¦
I can't wait to ditch my Hunter boots for sandals!
Unknown saidā€¦
Wow, what a nice contest you are doing. I can not wait for the spring weather to show up here. Music, windows down, hair blowing, capris! Sandals! I can't wait for all of it!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Looking forward to driving with the windows down, sunnies on and the music playing!!
I am looking forward to seeing all the bulbs I planted last fall come into bloom in my garden
Ktanti56 saidā€¦
We were going on a trip to Cuba. First in 5yrs. My hubby got in an accident at work and we had to rebook. Now I am looking forward to going this spring.
Bee W Bedard saidā€¦
I am looking forward to working in my garden and drinking coffee outside in the mornings - TY for the chance to win - much appreciated <3 xoxo
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
Diana P saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to camping and long hikes in the woods !!!
Rhonda saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to being outdoors the most. I got my first pot of flowers today in fact! Sitting on the porch having a coffee...
Juliee Fitze saidā€¦
looking forward to spending time outside with the puppies.
Juliee Fitze saidā€¦
forgot my email -
Unknown saidā€¦
I am so looking forward to the warm weather, the blooming flowers him being able to wear my shorts and flip-flops.
sarah sar saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to summer and our annual family camping trip. Can't wait!!

texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com
Charity Banman saidā€¦
I am looking forward to my son being able to run off his energy outside in the warmer weather.