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Win Tickets To CF Rideau Centre Breakfast With Santa

The festive season is just around the corner. I know it's hard to believe, but it's already November, and soon, we'll be shopping for everyone on our list, attending parties, and enjoying all the sights and sounds of the holidays, while dreaming of a white Christmas.

My boys (they're eight and 11 years old) don't believe in Santa anymore, and haven't for a few years; but that doesn't mean they've lost the joy or magic of the season.

For those of you who have younger children who still believe in the big jolly man in the red suit and would like the chance to see him up close and personal, I'm giving away a family four pass to the first CF Rideau Centre Breakfast with Santa event, taking place at the Shaw Centre on Saturday, November 19th.

All the proceeds are going to Easter Seals Ontario to help purchase expensive mobility equipment to kids with physical disabilities. I love supporting Easter Seals any way I can, and had a blast participating in Dancing With the Stars for Easter Seals a few years back. This time, it's even more about the kids.

What's in store for you at this fun, festive event? A delicious buffet breakfast, lots of fun activities for the kids, and a chance to spend some quality time with the CF Rideau Centre Santa. You can also take your professional photo with Santa, and enjoy a high-energy kids fashion show featuring the latest styles from CF Rideau Centre.

Doors open at 8:00 a.m. with breakfast being served at 9:00 a.m. A family four pass is $80.00, individual tickets are $30.00, and grandparents (who may want to join in on the fun!) and kids under 12 are $25.00. Children under one are free. You can get your tickets at

Bonus: You can win a $500 CF Rideau Centre Shopping Spree! Talk about making holiday dreams come true...

If you'd like to win a family four pass to Breakfast with Santa, leave a comment below telling me what you love about the holidays. I'll pick a winner randomly on the afternoon of November 11th. Please leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you if you win!

Good Luck!ļ»æ


Journeys of The Zoo saidā€¦
I love spending time with family and being thankful for all that we DO have. My kids are 6 and believe in Santa but he doesn't come to our house, instead, The Kids turn into elves and give presents to others in need in honour of their brothers memory. We'd love to be a part of this.

Besos Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Mark saidā€¦
Spending time with both sides of the family, even though one lives far away. The effort to get together is also good!
Lisa Bolduc saidā€¦
this would be awesome for my toddler to go to! he will be 2.5 this year so he will understand Christmas a little more and should have a blast. I love teaching my son all about the holiday spirit! lisaandkevin At yahoo dot ca
Mark saidā€¦
Forgot to leave email. asselstines at gmail dot com
lynnsbeans saidā€¦
I love seeing my son so happy. all the lights the snow the magic of santa and what may be in his sled have my son so wrapped up. love seeing him light uo with happiness. I love all the family I dont gert to see the food the joy in the season
lynnsbeans saidā€¦
we love santa the light all our family we dont get to see and all the majic christams brings. My son loves christmas all the lights as well.
Unknown saidā€¦
I love the holidays so much, the whole build up is exciting, hot chocolate and the decorations in the mall. My son is almost 3 and thinks Christmas is a place he keeps asking when we can go there!!