Over the last several years, I've been very conscious about making wiser environmental decisions in my home, and teaching my children the importance of helping the environment any way we can. I love how much they know about the importance of recycling, and why we use energy efficient light bulbs. From the classroom to home, they are making smart decisions and learning along the way. We shop organic as much as we can, and bring reusable bags to the grocery store. It's the little things we do on a daily basis that will have a positive impact on the next generation and help reduce our carbon footprint while keeping our planet a happy one. One area where I haven't completely made the switch to "green" is with my household cleaning supplies. Many of the products I use contain chemicals that are harshābut effective. I'm actively looking at how to make the switch to products that are better for our environment and for ourselves. However, I don't want to sacri...
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