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Putting Tide To The Test (And A Giveaway!)

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom ambassador. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and have been compensated to put Tide to the stain test. The opinions on this blog are my own. 

Spring is here, even though the weather hasn't been warm enough to enjoy the great outdoors yet. And what's with all the snow? Despite the less than seasonable weather, I'm still excited for spring. So excited, in fact,  I went somewhere I don't often go... to the gardening store.  I bought the supplies I needed to start planting some indoor herbs and plants, since it's not warm enough to do any outdoor gardening yet. The truth is, I don't have a green thumb, but I thought I'd start somewhere, and planting some herbs isn't that difficult. I love doing things that my boys can get involved in, too.

I'm not afraid to get dirty, eitherā€”I'm a die-hard Tide fan, and Tide Ultra Stain Release works miracles on clothes that are covered in dirt. Even white t-shirts! Trust me, I'm raising two boys and after a day playing outside, it's a miracle that their everyday stains actually get out, no matter what they're wearing.

Once I got what I needed to grow my indoor garden (potting soil, seeds, and cute little pots) I placed my herbs by my living room windows where they'll get the most sunshine. Thankfully, keeping indoor herbs means I don't have to worry about the temperature. And of course, being the amateur that I am when it comes to gardening, I got a little... messy. No worry, thoughā€”Tide easily removed all the stains. Even on the white t-shirt I wore.

How did I get rid of my stains? I removed the excess dirt from my shirt, rinsed it cold water, and washed my shirt with Tide after soaking it in cold water for half an hour. (For tougher stains, simply use the Zap! cap as a pre-treatment, then get back to your regular washing.)

Tide removes over 100 stains in one wash, so even if I'm dealing with a load of children's dirty clothes, I have nothing to worry about. Tide Ultra Stain Release is incredibly powerful and removes the toughest stains.

It's kind of hard to believe how great Tide Ultra Stain Release is unless you put it to the test yourself, so I'm giving away a P&G Fabric Care Gift Basket so you can put Tide to the test, too, and tackle those tough everyday stains. I can't wait to hear how much you love it.

To win, just leave me a comment below telling me what you love about spring. I'll randomly pick a winner on April 15th.


Keri justice saidā€¦
I love being able to get outdoors and enjoy the warmth and sunshine.
Glogirl saidā€¦
What I love about spring is the warmer weather and being able to shed winter boots and coats!
ivy pluchinsky saidā€¦
I love the warmer weather and being able to be outside without a jacket! also love spending time outside with my niece at the park
Kelly D saidā€¦
I love most the fresh air and being able to open windows to fill the house with spring!
lushka saidā€¦
Feels like new beginnings and I get to wear my sandals again.

Thanks for the chance.

Darlene Schuller saidā€¦
I absolutely love when the flowers start to bloom, we finally get so see 'colour' instead of the white we usually are staring at for months. I love not having to wear 2-3 layers of clothing just to ensure I don't freeze.

Everyone's mood changes when Spring comes, or it seems to. People seem a little happier, more cheerful, kinder... like a very mini Christmas.

flowerchild saidā€¦
I love the warmer weather and being outside more.
jed saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to drinking my coffee outside at 5am, going nuts buying and planting flowers, maybe finally getting a bistro set and I have a pinterest thing I want to do for the climbing vines!! That was supposed to be this weekend but they are calling for 90km/hr winds, so NOPE lol
ginette4 saidā€¦
I love spring flowers and the warm weather..being able to get outside and going for a bike ride after such a long miserable winter is so welcoming
anger_family @yahoo dot com
Erika E saidā€¦
I love all the flowers, especially the lovely tulips.
tobyhir saidā€¦
Love going for walks in the warmer weather and all those fantastic spring clothes! Bundle no more!
vivaciousgold saidā€¦
I love that I get to work more in my garden and get more fresh air.

email (
Unknown saidā€¦
I Love the warmer weather!
Unknown saidā€¦
I love all the flowers and being able to wear my Havianas again.
Brenda Penton saidā€¦
What I love about spring is the weather and the melting of the snow. Myself and my kids have our birthdays in the spring, so that is another thing I enjoy.

Monique L.S. saidā€¦
I love the freshness in the air, and that the sun comes out more often. I love being able to lose a few layers of clothing, and ditch the winter parka.
silverneon2000 saidā€¦
I enjoy being able to open the windows and getting the fresh air in the house. I also like being outdoors enjoying the warmer weather and getting out for more walks.


silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
Krista M saidā€¦
The best part of spring is the fashion! Bright colors, patterns, light fabrics; capri pants, slip-on shoes, & sunglasses! It feels so refreshing.
Joelle saidā€¦
I love that the days are longer in the spring & I love that the temperatures rises :)
Realia Mazing saidā€¦
I love springtime because me and dogs get to spend more time outside hiking and exploring!! Daniellex at gmail dot com
a_m_rs saidā€¦
I would love spring more if its stop snowing. also, to put away all the winter gear and take the summer stuff out
Jenny saidā€¦
I love the warmer weather!
Margheret saidā€¦
Love the warm weather-hope it gets here soon!
Vunda Vall saidā€¦
i love starting our garden!

dtdady at gmail dot com
blogginggal saidā€¦
I love that it gets so warm I can walk around without socks on! (Suzi)
Jonnie (JB) saidā€¦
I love that spring seems to put everyone in a good mood.
Unknown saidā€¦
The best thing about Spring is the absence of snow.
Amy Orvin saidā€¦
I love growing flowers and planting seeds in the spring.
Tammy Dalley saidā€¦
I love warmer weather, pretty flowers and cool crisp nights
marlibu saidā€¦
I love the spring flowers