Parenthood. We're in it together. When I was a new mom, I was thankful for my support group: my family, my friends, and my online community. It was comforting knowing that no matter the time of day or night, there was always someone there who would listen to me.
It's important that we're not only equipped with a great support system, but also, with the tools and resources we need to help us get through whatever issue we're dealing with on the journey of parenthood.
With most things in life, this is something you should keep in mind: This, too, shall pass.
It's important that we're not only equipped with a great support system, but also, with the tools and resources we need to help us get through whatever issue we're dealing with on the journey of parenthood.
With most things in life, this is something you should keep in mind: This, too, shall pass.
Here's an issue that my family experienced a few years ago, and when I reached out to friends, I was surprised to hear that they, too, had experienced this with their children: bedwetting. Yup. It's a common, yet unpleasant, part of life.
The truth is, you're not alone if you're going through a bedwetting phase with your child once they are over four years old—it's actually way more common than you think. (It's something that happens to one out of six children.) I get it, though—it's not easy to deal with—especially in the middle of the night. Bedwetting is a normal part of childhood, though, and quite common. It's also a phase your child will outgrow, so they should never be made to feel bad about this.
The truth is, you're not alone if you're going through a bedwetting phase with your child once they are over four years old—it's actually way more common than you think. (It's something that happens to one out of six children.) I get it, though—it's not easy to deal with—especially in the middle of the night. Bedwetting is a normal part of childhood, though, and quite common. It's also a phase your child will outgrow, so they should never be made to feel bad about this.
I perfected changing sheets on a queen sized bed with my four year old still in bed, asleep. I got so good at taking off the sheets, rolling my child to the unmade part of the bed, making half the bed, rolling him back, and then finishing the job. Of course I didn't love doing this in the middle of the night, but I was certainly not upset that my child was wetting the bed, because I was sure it was just a phase that he'd outgrow—and he did. What was important to me was making sure my child knew I wasn't upset with him, and getting him back to sleep as quickly as possible if he did wake.
Staying dry throughout the night can be a challenge for some children. Nocturnal enuresis (the fancy medical term for bedwetting) is not something your child can be trained out of.
If your child is bedwetting, here are some things you can do to help the situation:
GoodNites came to the rescue for my family when my child was, on occasion, still wetting the bed. We relied on GoodNites for a good night of sleep. These disposable underwear were stretchy and provided just the right amount of protection my child needed—they were the right fit and absorbency that guaranteed our child would not be waking up in the middle of the night to wet sheets. They were comfortable, and gave us the peace of mind we needed.
If your child is bedwetting, here are some things you can do to help the situation:
- Make sure children are going to the bathroom before they go to bed. This became part our night-time routine, along with showering and brushing teeth.
- Limit fluid intake before bedtime. We limited our child's fluid intake around bedtime.
- Use GoodNites so your children can sleep comfortably throughout the night. This, in turn, will allow you to have a good night of sleep, too!
GoodNites came to the rescue for my family when my child was, on occasion, still wetting the bed. We relied on GoodNites for a good night of sleep. These disposable underwear were stretchy and provided just the right amount of protection my child needed—they were the right fit and absorbency that guaranteed our child would not be waking up in the middle of the night to wet sheets. They were comfortable, and gave us the peace of mind we needed.
You'll get through this. After all, it is just a phase, and this, too, shall pass. But in the meantime, isn't it great to have a product you can use to help you get through this phase with ease and comfort?
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Goodnites®. Thoughts and opinions are my own.