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Prepare Your Home For Thanksgiving With Mr. Clean (And Win!)

Now that fall is here, we've settled back into a regular routine without missing a beat. Sometimes the morning rush can be pretty hectic, but overall, the transition from summer to fall was smooth and we're loving everything about the season has to offer, from apple picking to wagon rides at the pumpkin patch.

This Thanksgiving long weekend, we'll be celebrating with family and friends, and eating more than we should. But that's what the holidays are all about, right?

I'm thankful for so muchā€”especially spending time with my family and friends. We are of course planning a big feast, as we do for Thanksgiving; we're even celebrating twice, because we've got a big Greek family and we love food.

Before we sit down to eat (and eat and eat!) I'll be cleaning, as I always doā€”but since we're entertaining in our home this long weekend, ALL the cleaning supplies come out. Greeks have a thing for good food and they also have a thing for very clean homes. I don't think my mom or grandmother believe in resting; whenever I'm in their homes, they are always doing some sort of chore. It's just who they are, I guess. Along the way, they've taught me the importance of keeping a clean and tidy home.

Mr. Clean is a product I always use because it gets the job done.

Here are some of my #15MinReno tips to get your home sparkling clean:

Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to clean up your walls. My entrance is the one area in my home I'm always cleaningā€”over and over again. A few days ago, I took the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and I cleaned up the walls. NO more fingerprints or marker! Magically, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser even works to get rid of Sharpie stains. I know because I've used it to get rid of some writing on the wall of my son's room. It's truly a miracle cleaning product.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is also perfect to use to clean the outside of your kitchen cabinet doors. In minutes, your kitchen will look almost new again. This tip is especially useful if you've done a lot of cooking and baking in your kitchen. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is also great to get rid of stains and scuffs on the oven, backsplash, and countertops, too. Voilaā€”brand new looking kitchen!

I also love using Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to clean the baseboards in my home, and in hard to reach places like in between my banister spindles.

To tackle the bathroom (everyone's favourite room to clean!) I use Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle on the counter, in the sink, on the walls, and even on the floors. I love the smell, and I love how it makes my bathroom perfectly clean.

Use Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle to clean the bath tub to get rid of any soap scum. Stains are instantly gone.

To help your family get ready for the holidays, I've got a sweet giveaway for you!

Enter to win:

  • One $50 VISA gift card
  • $50 worth of Mr. Clean products (including Magic Erasers and Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle.)
To enter, just leave me a comment below telling me what you love most about the holidaysā€”from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

I'll pick a winner randomly on October 19th.

Good Luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

Disclaimer: I am a P&G mom. As part of my affiliation with this group, I receive product and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own. This giveaway may appear on other blogs as part of the #PGmom program. However, to be fair, you can only enter once per giveaway.  


Glogirl saidā€¦
What I love most about the holidays is spending time with family and all the fall/Christmas baking!

Unknown saidā€¦
I love shopping for my family and loved ones for the holidays.
Plus everything goes on sale!!!! :)
I also love that the holidays bring families together!!!
lushka saidā€¦
What I like best is the food and getting together with family and friends.

Ok is it sad I mentioned food first.

And lastly my birthday is around Thanksgiving so look forward to that too.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Joelle saidā€¦
What I love most about the holidays is spending quality time with my family and seeing friends and cousins I don't get to see during the rest of the year.
Karla S saidā€¦
I love being around my family and all the delicious food, I love a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings with my family. We have this on Thanksgiving and Christmas :)
Amy Heffernan saidā€¦
I love cooking a big meal during the holidays and getting everyone together!! Making family memories and taking lots of photos! TY!
Jenny saidā€¦
Spending time with family and friends!
Unknown saidā€¦
What I love most between the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the change in the weather just before it snows.
Annie1 saidā€¦
I love the food, the aromas, family, love and laughter!
Bee W Bedard saidā€¦
I love that we get to bring out our boots (or buy new ones lol) and sweaters. But I also love that we get a lot of baking done and really get to spend time with family and friends xo

Happy Thanksgiving :)

brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
jenness m saidā€¦
What I love most is taking lots of time off to spend time with my family.
Alayne Langford saidā€¦
Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday and definitely my favourite time of year! I love the Fall weather, the changing leaves and the convenience of an apple orchard across the street! Most of all, i love family get togethers and spending time getting to know my two precious little grand daughters! šŸ’•šŸ˜Š
Juliee saidā€¦
I like both holidays because I get to spend time with my sisters and the rest of my family.
MAR saidā€¦
I definitely L.O.V.E. Christmas !!!
The family, food, prezzies LOLšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž
Spoiling my 7y/o nephew is the greatest šŸ‘
Brenda Penton saidā€¦
I love decorating and spending time with my family. I really like to host dinner for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

blogginggal saidā€¦
What I love most is the fact that I come from a family of December babies...... my brother, my mom, myself, my sister and 2 nieces all celebrate in December...... it makes December fun and when you add in is definitely my favourite time of year! (Suzi)
K saidā€¦
Spending time with family as well as reuniting
Andrea Amy saidā€¦
What I love most about Thanksgiving and Christmas is the food. I love how excited the kids are on Christmas, and I love the music, the TV/Movie specials and the decorations, but the food it my favourite!
andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com
Stephane saidā€¦
Having a nice dinner with family and friends
Krista M saidā€¦
I love the giving.. The anticipation of trying to discover that perfect gift for your loved ones, of something so special it will make them cry. This is the season for giving & it feels wonderful!
Cheryl saidā€¦
I just love being with family and friends and all the yummy food!! :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
I thought you were a big supporter of green cleaning products, including Terra20's ecobar products.
lynnsbeans saidā€¦
Unknown saidā€¦
I love all of the time I get to spend with my family over the holidays!
a_m_rs saidā€¦
I love seeing the kids faces when they go trick or treating, thanksgiving I love the family fun and the pumpkin pie. Christmas the pretty bright vibrant colours, the cheerfulness and of course the kids faces opening presents.
Lisa Bolduc saidā€¦
Getting to eat dessert without feeling to guilty lol
krisha44 saidā€¦
omg I love absolutely everything about the holidays!! leading up to Christmas is the best time. Listening to Christmas music everyday, decorating, all the beautiful lights, the Christmas movies and then the thrill of the day of and being with family
Carey Hurst saidā€¦
I just love all the food mand baking. I just love to cook , bake and entertain. There is nothing better than all the amazing fellowship brought together with made from scratch food.
Tainan Lu saidā€¦
I love the food :)
Elizabeth R saidā€¦
Well the best part is getting together with all my family, all the great food is a close second!
Lori Jean saidā€¦
I love how our whole Family comes together! We seem to be the meeting place for everyone and we love entertaining!

Lori Jackson
Maria Katie saidā€¦
Love getting together with family, enjoying long conversations, games and delicious food
ginette4 saidā€¦
I love spending time with the family and the great meal that's involved
anger_family @yahoo dot com
lori b saidā€¦
the best part for me is the family time.
Shannon saidā€¦
I love the food and TV specials and movies I watch with my kids.
davy saidā€¦
Time off work to spend with family
Judy Cowan saidā€¦
I love spending time with my family and being able to cook/bake special dishes that I don't get to make everyday.
Elaine G saidā€¦
I love to decorate the house and baking holiday favorites.
flowerchild saidā€¦
I love the decorations, the food and the time spent with family
Sharklady71 saidā€¦
One of my favorite holidays is Halloween because the adults can dress up and feel like a kid again for the night!
Belinda M saidā€¦
I really love the holiday season because it gives you time to see family and friends
Jonnie (JB) saidā€¦
I love all the events during the holidays where you get to reconnect with friends and neighbours that you don't get to see very often during the year.
Cryssloves saidā€¦
It's the time of the year to light the wood stove and bake lots of harvest yummies.
Unknown saidā€¦
What I love the most about the holidays is the chance to spend time with my family, the games together and getting to bake and cook together.