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Put A Smile On Your Face: A Crest And Olay Giveaway Thanks To P&G!

I'm pretty sure nobody loves summer as much as I do—seriously, after the long, harsh winters we have, I cherish every sunny and warm day because they sure don't last long here. I am outside for more hours than I am inside—swimming as much as I can with my boys, enjoying backyard BBQ's,  soaking up the sun on patios with friends, and drinking lots of sangria. And beer. You know, summertime stuff.

I keep a more simple beauty routine in the summer, but I still make sure I'm taking care of myself. Olay and Crest are my go-to staples because Olay helps keep my skin hydrated (and protected) and Crest helps keep my smile shining bright through my summer days and nights.

I love the new Olay Total Effects moisturizer (with 40% more vitamins) which has the highest level of Niacinamide in an over-the-counter Olay skincare product.

To help brighten my smile, I love using Crest Luxe Supreme FlexFit Whitestrips. They are super easy to use and offer great results. The strips use a technology called FlexFit, which allow the Whitestrip to stretch around your smile for a perfect fit so you can leave the washroom to do something productive like organize your closet so there is more room for the new dresses you have to buy this summer! Once that's done, your smile will be even brighter.

To help keep you smiling this summer, P&G is giving away a Brighten Your Summer prize pack, including the Olay Total Effects Anti-Aging Moisturizer, Fragrance-Free, and Crest 3D White Whitestrips Luxe Supreme FlexFit! 

I'll randomly pick a winner July 30th. To enter, leave a comment below telling me something you love about summer—something that makes you smile bright. 

Bonus entries: Follow @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter and leave a second comment. 

Disclosure: I am a P&G mom. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive product and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own.

This giveaway may appear on other blogs as part of the #PGmom program. However, to be fair, you can only win once per giveaway. If your name is chosen more than once, another winner will be selected. All winners must be from within Canada. 


Annie1 said…
I love all of the fresh produce there is to choose from in Summer!

nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Annie1 said…
Follow @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter as @greeeneyedwhwom


nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Judy Cowan said…
What makes my smile bright in the summer is being able to spend lots of time camping and spending time with my family! (Judy Cowan)
Judy Cowan said…
I follow Olay & Crest on Twitter as @JudyCowan (Judy Cowan)
Erika E said…
The warm weather and beautiful flowers make me smile bright.
Vesper said…
I love being able to go out hiking in the local woods - certainly makes me smile as I view the wildlife and the great views that we have

meikleblog at gmail dot com
Erika E said…
I follow @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter.
Vesper said…
Follow @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter - @Vesper1931

meikleblog at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I love the lush green landscapes and long walks at night :)
Unknown said…
Followed @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter :)
Elaine G said…
What I love about summer is seeing my nieces and nephews playing at the water park and at the pool. They have so much fun and make me laugh.
Jonnie (JB) said…
I love smells of summer - fresh cut grass, food grilling, lemonade, watermelon. Everything just smells so fresh!
Jonnie (JB) said…
I follow Olay and Crest on twitter as @edmontonjb
Belinda M said…
I love the the fresh fruits and veggies that come with the beautiful summer weather
Belinda M said…
I follow both on twitter as prairiebelle
Glogirl said…
What I love about summer is having outdoor BBQ's! I love BBQ'd hamburgers!
Unknown said…
I love the weather and being able to hit the beach with the kids during the day and enjoying a cold iced tea on the porch after they are in bed!

nomnombearinyvr at hotmail dot com
Unknown said…
I followed Olay and crest on Twitter

nomnombearinyvr at hotmail dot com
Brenda Penton said…
What I love about the summer is that the kids have no school and we can stay up late around the fire pit in the backyard and make s'mores and roast wieners.
Brenda Penton said…
I follow both on twitter as @newfiechic
blogginggal said…
I love being able to sit out in the sunshine and read! (Suzi)
blogginggal said…
I follow both on Twitter @JustPlainSuzi :)
Vunda Vall said…
i love summer because i love being outside and having bbqs! dtdady at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
Going for a sail makes me smile in summer! vera khule at gmail dot com
Jenny said…
Sitting by the pool enjoying a good book
Jenny said…
I Follow @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter - jemsw16
Karen said…
I love watching my son's soccer team,
flowerchild said…
I love Family BBQ's

flowerchild said…
I love Family BBQ's

Anonymous said…
Twitter: @Zac_maniac

I love summer! I love the nice weather and being able to go to so many fun places with the family!
Susan Christy said…
I love the warm weather!
Victoria S said…
I love picnics and hiking! victoriaess at hotmail dot com
Victoria Ess said…
I love picnics and hiking! victoriaess at hotmail dot com
Victoria Ess said…
Followed @OlayUS and @Crest on Twitter as victoriaess2

victoriaess at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I love going to the beach!!!

jemrah said…
I love the birds and the flowers!