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Showing posts from June, 2015

Netflix Must-Watch Throwbacks

Saturday mornings were all about cartoons for me when I was growing up. Actually, that's not trueā€”I spent most Saturday mornings at Greek School, not watching all the great cartoons my friends got to stay home to watch. Life was so unfair! My boys aren't in Greek School on Saturday mornings and not because I want them to stay home to watch cartoonsā€”but because I like teaching them Greek on my own. Even if they were in Greek school on Saturday mornings, they wouldn't have to miss their favourite shows, thanks to Netflix. Netflix is always a family favourite, for movie nights, for Saturday morning cartoons, and for all the shows I love to watch when my kids are asleep, like Orange Is The New Black or House Of Cards. Now my boys can watch some of my childhood favourites like Garfield, Scooby-Doo, and The Smurfs. Even more fun now is that I get to watch with them. It is always awesome to connect on different levels with my boys, and watching some of my favourite shows fro...

Thank you, Mom.

It's impossible to watch a P&G #ThankYouMom commercial without tearing up. As a mom, I'm always overly emotional and the P&G #ThankYouMom campaign is one I love dearly. It's a campaign that's all about giving athletes a chance to thank their biggest supporters in lifeā€“their moms.  (Aww!) From Tide to Bounty to Pantene, P&G products are everywhere in our home, and have been for years, very since I was a child. It's touching that a company I love does so much to help others, too. I love remembering all the times my mom has been there for me, throughout all the stages in my life. I appreciate her wise words of wisdom, even if I don't always take her (usually always bang on) advice. As a mom of two, I appreciate her even more now, because I know how hard and challenging it is to be a mom. It's all about putting your children first, no matter how you feel. And that can be a very hard thing to do at times. And I always remember to put things in per...

Capital Camps: Ottawa's Best Choice For Summer Camp

Are you singing along with me? School's out for the summer... almost. And we're all excited! Well, mostly all excited. The kids are excited. Parents? Well, we're excited, too. After all, we love spending time with our children, right? And we don't have to pack lunches every day! But, most of us still have to work during the summer months, and summer is long. (Not as long as never ending winter, but long.) We're always looking for ways to keep our children busy, having fun, and staying active. Of course, most parents will sign up their children for summer camp, but with so many camps to choose from, selecting one that is perfect for your child is a daunting task. My boys have been taking tennis lessons through Capital Camps for a couple of years, and when I found out that they also offer a variety of Summer Camps , I got so excited. After all, I know they'll have a good time, because they love it during the yea...

Join The Journey With Energizer (And Win!)

We were invited to Toronto a couple of months ago to take part in a special science event with Energizer Ā® at the Ontario Science Centre. Spending the weekend in Toronto is always fun, especially when we get to stay in great hotels like the Renaissance Hotel ā€”from our stay at this lovely hotel, to our time spent learning in the Ontario Science Centre, it was a very memorable weekend. My boys just received a fun personalized package from Energizer so they could conduct even more fun home experiments with the new Energizer Ā® EcoAdvancedā„¢ battery, Energizer's longest lasting AA high-performance alkaline battery, and the world's first battery made with 4% recycled batteries. (The cool thing is, this battery is a first step in a journey towards a goal of developing batteries made with entirely recycled materialsā€”hoping to reach 40% by 2025!) They made a circuit bulb holder, a hanging magnetic compass, an electromagnet and more. They had a blast. ...