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The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Check List

Spring is officially here, even though there is still a lot of snow on the ground. Despite the less than seasonal temperatures and the snow,  I'm still excited, because I've been looking forward to spring since January. I really dislike winter because it lasts way longer than it should. There is nothing I enjoy more than welcoming spring back into my life and the best way to do this is by spring cleaning my home. Yes, cleaning can be fun, you guys. Especially when I'm cleaning out my closet to make room for new clothes and shoes for spring. Out with black, and in with colour!

Here are some ways you can make spring cleaning your home a little easier:

Make Doormats Welcoming: They're the front line against tracking in dirt, so keep them clean enough to function efficiently. If they're extremely soiled, soak them in warm water mixed with a scoop of of OxiCleanā„¢ Versatile Stain Remover for six hours then wash as directedā€”even the toughest stains get washed away. Remember to always follow manufacturers care instructions.

Organizing Closets: This is a big one. My entrance closet is filled with boots, coats, jackets, scarves, hats and snow pants. Yuck. You bet I'm excited to get all the winter gear put away in our basement storage, so the closet is free of coats! Organzing the closet is the first step to organizing the rest of your home. It is a great place to start, since it's the place where you greet visitors into your home. Welcome, friends, and welcome, spring! Donate clothes you know you won't use again, toss old boots that have seen better days, and de-clutter! For the clothes that you do keep, ensure they are crisp for the new season ahead of time by laundering with OxiCleanā„¢ Liquid Laundry Detergent. It attacks dirt and tough stains left by harsh winter, and will leave them smelling spring fresh.

Make Your Dishes Shine: With the arrival of spring comes the arrival of home dinner parties and backyard BBQ's, as soon as all the snow is gone.  Make sure your dishes and glasses are party ready by using OxiCleanā„¢ Extreme Power Crystalsā„¢ Dishwasher Detergent Paks to tackle tough stains and stuck-on food. The best part? No more pre-washing needed, so you'll have time to relax after the party.

Carpet Cleaning: Fabrics that have absorbed a winter's worth of dirt will need a deep clean to get them ready for another year of wear. Shampooing your carpets is a good start, but for tougher stains, use OxiCleanā„¢ Versatile Stain Removerā€”simply mix a little bit of the stain remover with warm water as per the instructions on the label and blot with a clean towel until the stain disappears. Always rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Patio Season: Patio Season! YES! And yes, it's not exactly that warm out yet, but Canadians are tough and can handle a little cold, right? As soon as the snow starts melting, it's a good time to start thinking of warmer weather and the fun you'll be having otuside on your patio. Remove any large debris such as sticks, branches, and leaves, and use your garden hose to wash away as much of the winter dirt as possible. Tackle stains left on outdoor furniture with OxiCleanā„¢ Versatile Stain Removerā€”it's chlorine-free and colour-safe so you can use it on gutters and unifinished decks, too.

Now you're ready for spring... and spring shopping, now that the hard work is out of the way!

Disclaimer: I'm part of the Church and Dwight Blogger Ambassador Program. I receive compensation and special perks and products as part of my affiliation with this group. All views and opinions are my own.

