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From Old School NES To The Brand New Nintendo 2DS (Plus A Nintendo Giveaway!)

It was Christmas Day, many, many year ago, when my sister and I received our very first NES. (Thank you, Santa mom and dad!) Remember this? Of course you do! (And if you don't, clearly you're too young!)

The NES started my love affair with Nintendo, and that Christmas Day, I'm not sure my sister and I did anything other than play Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. All. Day. Long. 

I'm admitting this to you here, because I'm honest—I never actually completed the original Super Mario Bros. all the way through, and 8-4 is still impossibly hard to finish. (Just don't tell my kids; I'll lose all my gaming credibility!) I spent many, many hours playing these two games, and then Gameboy came along and I got lost in a Tetris world.

Now? I've got two new Nintendo lovers in my house—my two boys, who are almost seven and nine years old. Yup, they have a love for Nintendo that's larger than life, and they love to play everything from Animal Crossing to Super Mario Bros., and Mario Kart on the Wii U.

My youngest son has been Mario for Halloween a few times, and his favourite character ever is Bowser. He's even invented a "Bowser" language when he plays with his Mario figures. Seriously, it's the cutest thing.

My boys love their 3DS, too, and I love it because when we're travelling (road trips or long plane rides) it keeps them busy and I know they're having fun.

I've got a great surprise for my boys, too... thanks to Nintendo of Canada, I've got a brand new Nintendo 2DS for them... and the new Super Smash Bros. game for the Nintendo 3DS! (Which also works in the 2DS.) They'll be testing this out soon and I'll let you know how much they love it.

The beauty of the Nintendo 2DS is that it's an "entry-level" handheld gaming system that's made for kids who are younger because it's kid-friendly and easier for little, cute hands to hold.

It's also much harder to break, so that's a total bonus, especially in my house, especially when my son is acting like he's actually Bowser!

Here's another great feature of the Nintendo 2DS: it plays both Nintendo DS and 3DS games in 2D, so there's no need to worry about young eyes being affected by the 3D, and it's backward compatible with games you already own. Pretty sweet!

Even sweeter, still? Thanks to my friends at Nintendo of Canada, I'm giving away a brand new Nintendo 2DS AND a copy of Super Smash Bros. 

Perfect gift for the kids with the holidays right around the corner, right?

Giveaway is open to Canadian residents, and the winner will be picked randomly and notified via email. Thank you, everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


K.Thornton said…
I'd have to say .... my favourites have always been the Donkey Kong series!
Julie said…
I don't have a fave, but my son *adores* Mario Kart 7!
J said…
My favourite video game ... hmm... that's a toughy. Probably Super Mario Bros. 3.... That was a good one!

I still have my NES!
Karen C. Hill said…
Love Mario and Sonic games
Chantale said…
I love all Mario Kart games and Super Mario.
Unknown said…
I always loved playing Super Mario Bros. and Dr Mario
Annie1 said…
My hubby loves Mario Bros!

Unknown said…
I don't have a fav but my grandson likes Mario Kart 7
Sue2Sueper said…
My daughter is all crazy about POKEMON
Holly said…
My fave game when I was a kid was California Games! I played that for HOURS! Zelda was also a fave!
Julie Correia said…
Mario Kart and Donkey Kong!
Joelle said…
My daughter loves the Petz series.
Unknown said…
Love Mario and Sonic games
Frances story said…
I remember loving blades of steel and bubble bobble... and of course Mario Bros.
Jonnie (JB) said…
I still love Super Mario Bros 3 more than any other game
Gene D said…
Duckhunt was great
Yong C. said…
Mario Bros
Jackiekatie1105 said…
We love super Mario brothers
Anonymous said…
Super Mario Bros!
krisha44 said…
my favorite was Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong
Unknown said…
Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie. Lots of memories with those games! :)
Ashley P. said…
Any of the Super Mario games from the NES
Elaine G said…
My favorite is Super Mario Bros.
I still have my orignal Nintendo -lol- and my fav was always Super Mario (original of course)Mastered it in 3 days (straight -lol-) and loved the Duck Hunt too!
Andrea Amy said…
Donkey Kong was my favourite growing up. My boys love Mario Kart :)
Unknown said…
we love super mario and sonic
Amy Heffernan said…
MARIO!! But my lil guy loves Donkey kong. He would ADORE this!!!
Lori Jean said…
I love the super marios but also a fan of donkey kong!

Lori R Jackson is my rafflecopter name
Jennifer P. said…
My favourite Nintendo game back in the day was Contra.
Unknown said…
My favorite is Mario Party
Unknown said…
I Like any of the Mario Kart games!
Anna johnson said…
My boys all love everything Super Mario!
ivy pluchinsky said…
Any Mario game is my favorite
my favourite has always been Mario Kart :)
suzie said…
I would have to say Super Mario Brothers
pinksuzanne said…
My daughter's favourite was always Super Mario Bros.

Judy Cowan said…
I have always like Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong. (Judy Cowan)
Flo said…
I like Mario Kart

Florence C
charity said…
i like super mario brothers
pippirose said…
My favourite game: Super Mario.
I've always loved the original Mario bros.
Lori's Place said…
Super Smash Bros Brawl is mine!
Hide C. said…
My kids are Super Mario fans!
Unknown said…
When we all were much younger, :) my daughters and I would play Super Mario Brothers for hours.
Margheret said…
Love Super Mario and Donkey Kong.
jenn erin said…
I actually only had one game and it was Super Smash Bros for my gameboy color!
Unknown said…
I loved Zelda and of course Donkey Kong!
pamalot said…
I have always enjoyed the original Super Mario.
ginette4 said…
My favourite game was Tetris
Veronique L said…
Super Mario brothers 2 is my all tie favorite.
Josh S said…
Mario Kart and Dr. Mario were my two favourites.
stacey dempsey said…
I have been a huge Zelda fan since it first one came out so I would say that , my kids love mario though
Sarah Oakley said…
I LOVE Nintendo and Super Mario Bros. Would be GREAT for my 6 yr old to be able to experience SMB just like my hubby @scottoakley and I did when we were kids. #Classic #nintendo #supermariobros
Redlizzy1 said…
I was hooked on Zelda for the longest time. Loved that one. And my kids are huge Mario Bros. fans. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Lee-Ann said…
mario party!! love competing with my kid. =)
Unknown said…
I like Kaboom and Mario Kart
Karen said…
I never played, but my son loves Super Mario.
Rebby said…
Donkey Kong Country for SNES!
Unknown said…
Super Mario was one of my favorites but I was completely hooked on Tetris
Unknown said…
Super Mario Bros. 3 is my all time favorite NES game, I would love to be able to play it again someday!
Cortney E said…
My all time favourite is Super Mario Brothers 3 for the original NES!
blogginggal said…
Donkey Kong (classic fun!) (Suzi)
Unknown said…
It's a toss up between Zelda & Mario 3 I could play them for hours!!!
Unknown said…
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Nintendo games is Duck Hunt! i loved that game!
Unknown said…
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Nintendo games is Duck Hunt! i loved that game!
Bev said…
My favorite Nintendo game is The Legend of Zelda
Chris Stockford said…
Duck hunter
Yuen C said…
Super Mario Bros!
Unknown said…
Super Mario Bros. 2 is still my ultimate fav to this day! #PrincessesRule
Unknown said…
My favourite Nintendo game is Super Mario Bros. 3 :)