When I was new to parenthood, the biggest worry I had was when the next diaper change would be. As my children got older, the worries changed, and each stage brought new challenges and experiences. Now my boys are six and eight years old and in many ways things have gotten easier, but there is still always something to worry about. I'll often catch myself thinking about the day I hand them the keys to the car and let them go... all on their own. This causes me a lot of anxiety, and I want to make sure that I've done everything in my power to make sure they're as safe as can be on the road. It is our job as parents to guide our children in the right direction, and to help them make the right decisions even when we're not around to help. There are a lot of things we can do to make sure our children are protected and aware, especially when they're driving. I remember the first time I took my driving testāI failed. As upset as I was, I remember studying and practi...
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