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A Perfect Stay At The Marriott Bloor Yorkville

As much as I love living in Ottawa, I have a major soft spot in my heart for Toronto. If my extended family didn't live in Ottawa, it would make my decision to movie to Toronto a little easier. At least, I think it would be easy. Even though I don't call Toronto my home, I visit as often as I can for events, celebrations, and just to get away. It's close enough that I can do the drive in no time, it's cheap enough to fly, and if I want to get some work done? I hop on the train.

Several times, I've had the opportunity to stay at the Marriott Bloor Yorkville, my favourite place in Toronto. My children love this hotel, and always ask to go back whenever we are in Toronto. The first time we went to celebrate my 35th birthday, and were treated to the two-floor Presidential Suite. The kids were so excited, and so was I. The rooms were grand... the service was amazing... and the special treats in our room? (birthday cake, balloons, special gifts for the kids, snacks, water, champagne) made our stay even more special and memorable. It was great to have the space for the kids to run around inā€”two floors and a whole lot of room. (I've also had the chance to stay with my girlfriends, and we had two amazing connecting rooms and once again, we all received exceptional service.)

The beds? Super comfortable. The bathroom? Massive. The bathtub? Luxurious.

We were lucky enough to be treated to another amazing stay this past summer. We could barely contain our excitement! This time, we invited friends over for dinner, since, you know, we had the space to do so. The kids had an especially wonderful time, exploring both floors, and letting the adults eat in peace. I think my favourite part about this hotel is the wonderful location, the views from the huge windows, and the attention to detail. The restaurant is great, too, as well as the staff.

If you're looking for a great place to stay the next time you're in Toronto, check out the Marriott Bloor Yorkville. From the service to the location, you will be very pleased and satisfied. And if you have any questions? Just drop me a line and I'll be happy to talk to you about this hotel in more detail!
