The Kick Diabetes Facebook contest is wrapping up, so if you haven't 'donated a kick' yet by selecting your favourite CFL team online, you should totally do it now. If you do this, you'll also have the chance to win one pair of 2014 CFL season ticketsāisn't that almost better than a touchdown? (I don't know a lot about football, so maybe that's not totally accurate, but still!) Sun Life Financial, in partnership with the Canadian Football League (CFL), has committed to donating $101 to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) every time a successful field goal is kicked during the CFL regular season, up to $40,000 in honour of the 101st playing of the Grey Cup Championship Game. It's all over on November 2nd, though! An additional $10,000 will be donated to JDRF in the city whose team gets the highest number of 'donated kicks' by the end of the regular season. (If you want all the details, check this out. ) If you'd like to he...
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