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Showing posts from April, 2013

Mom's Time To Shine!

Mother's Day is a great day to celebrate being a mom , even though we should always take the time to take care of ourselvesā€”to go for a massage when we'd like to, to buy that new shade of lip gloss we've been wanting to try, and to stock up on the latest magazines and put our feet up at the end of a busy dayā€”it's so important to take the time to do something nice for ourselves. I also think we should cherish the time we spend with our children not only on Mother's Day, but every day. However, it is nice to be recognized on Mother's Day ā€”breakfast in bed, fresh flowers for the home, a hand-written card from the children, and a special gift are all really nice ways to make mom feel special on this day. I love the convenience of shopping in a store that has it all, and Shoppers Drug Mart is that storeā€”I could spend hours in Shoppers, and I use any excuse to do so, tooā€”we're out of milk, the kids need diapers, we have no toothpasteā€”really, it is a con...

The Difficulty With Saying No

I have a really hard time saying no. Especially when a great opportunity comes knocking on my door, and I have to turn it down. I even had a hard time hitting "Publish" on this post, because that makes it real. And I hate that it's real. I was asked to be one of the live bloggers for this year's amazing Mom 2.0 conference, in Laguna, California. My ticket was covered, I had a place to stay at the Ritz-Carlton, and all I needed was airfare to get there. I was thrilled, and so thankful that I was asked to participate this way at my favourite conference. What a great opportunity. Mom 2.0 is hands down the most exclusive, amazing, intimate blogging conference there is. It's just... awesome. However, this year, the timing was not ideal and I had to make a seriously responsible decision , and say no. It was pretty much one of the hardest things I've had to say no to, because I was at Mom 2.0 last year in Miami and I know what I'm going to be m...

One Week

What a week it has been. I think The Onion sums it up pretty well , don't you? "Following what could only be described by witnesses as the goddamned week to end all soul-crushing weeks, sources all across the nation reported that, sorry, is all this shit really happening at once? Because if all this shit is really happening at once, multiple reports verified, then this might actually be, honest to God, one of the worst weeks of all time." As we all try to wrap our heads around the latest tragedy that took place in Boston, as we hear about explosions in Texas, gun bill failure (how? how?) and read about yet another sinkhole, we are reminded of the good, at leastā€”the brave people who ran towards the danger, to help other people. We keep the front-line workers in our thoughts as they, too, race towards danger, for our safety, and for justice (this week, and every week) always risking their lives. I don't even live in America, but the pain is felt just as deeply h...

The Movie I Have Yet To See

I like to think I know a lot when it comes to pop culture, because I love entertainment in pretty much every form, especially movies. I saw E.T. in theatres when I was six years old, and I saw Bambi with my father when I was six, too. Let's not talk about how that movie, and the fact that Bambi tragically lost his mother, was the reason why I started having major anxiety issues. Anyway, as much as I'm "in the know" when it comes to television shows, movies, and music, there are a few classics that I've somehow not seen yet. A recent conversation with Ali had her going "Wait... what?" when I was surprised to find out that Mandy Patinkin was in The Princess Bride. Me: "What! Mandy was in The Princess Bride?" Ali: "Um... yes? How do you not know that?" Me: "Probably because I've never seen The Princess Bride..." Ali: "Wait... what?| I've never seen The Princess Bride. I've never seen Goo...

Fab And Free At Murale? Yes, Please!

Beauty obsessed. Yup, that's me. One thing I love the most about having an office downtown is the fact that my building is located directly beside Murale. When I found out that Shoppers Drug Mart was opening  Murale across Canada, including a store in my very own city, I was so excited! Murale, in case you didn't know, is Canada's number one beauty destination . Every store is huge and airy, and all your favourite products are easy to find. I love stocking up on my Chanel make-up and my favourite perfumes, and I always get my eyebrows done at the brow bar over my lunch break. In and out in 15 minutes means I'm a very happy customer. All the best luxury brands are available in Murale, too: Bobbi Brown,Yves Saint Laurent, Lancome, Clinique and many, many more. I can't tell you how many times my lunch hour consists of shopping trips to Murale! Now you know as much as I love shopping for cosmetics and fragrance, I also love a great deal, and...

Softsoap Body Wash And An Amazing Giveaway!

After a very long winter, it is such a relief to see the snow finally melting. Yes, spring is definitely in the air, and yesterday, I put away my winter boots and brought out my spring jackets. I was even brave enough to wear my skinny ankle pants with a pair of flatsā€”no socks, nothing! Sure, I was a bit cold, but heyā€”I was so ready! I love the feeling of the warm sun on my exposed skin, and now that warmer days are here, it's time to make our skin soft and smooth again. I love beauty products, and I love trying new body washes that make my skin smell delicious and feel super soft. Body wash is an essential part of my daily shower experience! I have always been a fan of Softsoap , especially because of the variety of products they offer, so I was especially thrilled to receive an amazing basket filled with the Softsoap Fragrance and Body Butter Collection. The fragrances and ultra-rich formulas really do transform an ordinary shower experience into an in...