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Must Watch Television!

On my incredibly long list of things I love: My children's laughter, sunshine, vacations to beautiful destinations, and funny television shows.

I gave up watching sad and depressing shows this year for good quality televisionā€”and television shows that makes me laughā€”and it has been a much more enjoyable experience. Some of my all-time favourite TV shows are Friends and Modern Family, and I just found out that there is a new aweome (and Canadian!) television show called Seed that airs on CityTV Monday nights at 8:30 p.m.

This show is like a modern version of Friends crossed with the totally hilarious Modern Family. It's totally a show you should be watching if you like to laugh. You don't even have to thank me for spreading the newsā€”I like making people happy!

Now, here's the totally awesome part: right now when you watch Seed on Mondays at 8:30 p.m., you can be entered to win one of three Grand Prize trips for two to LA! Seriously, how amazing is that? I went to LA many years ago when I interned at Entertainment Tonight, and it was absolutely beautiful. The ocean, the mountains, the palm trees, the shopping... I can't wait to go back one day! Anyway, to enter this fabulous contest,  all you have to do is share this link on Twitter or Facebook, and boom, you're entered! Simple, right? I love contests that don't make you work hard.

You can follow Seed on Twitter and Facebook, too.

Happy TV watchingā€”hope you love the show, and Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post.
