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Making The Switch (And A Great Giveaway For You!)

If you have children, you've probably witnessed them putting weird things in their mouths. You know, things like sand, marbles, lego pieces, erasers, dog food, or even cleaning products.

My youngest son, who just turned five, has kept me on the edge of my seat since the day he was born. He's the one I worried about the most at the park when he was younger, as sand would often be his snack of choice.

Last year he came into my room with a glowing smile. He had taken a bite into a glo-stick and the fluorescent substance was in his mouth. After some online research, we figured out that he was going to be okay, but I was totally worried. Now, I'm just convinced he has superhero powers.

Last week, I heard him call out to me: "Mommy, why is there sand in the bathtub? I just tried some..."

I ran upstairs, and discovered he had licked some bathroom cleaner. You know, toxic bathroom cleaner with bleach? Yup. Of course, I panicked. That prompted me to start looking for household cleaning products that aren't as harmful for children. Which brought me back to terra20...

A few months ago, I was hired to host the grand opening of a brand-new eco-friendly store in Ottawa called terra20. This lovely (and huge!) store sells everything you can imagine: books, cosmetics, kitchen accessories, children's clothing and toys, stationary and office supplies. terra20 also has an awesome ecobar, a place where you can replace your household cleaning supplies with eco-friendly alternatives at one of the ecobar dispensers. I've written a few blog posts for terra20 and I know first-hand how great their products are.

I love the ecobar at terra20. No, there's no Pinot Gris at this bar, but there are a lot of amazing and safe cleaning products for you and the environment.

My friends at terra20 gave me all their cleaning products try at home, and I already have a few favourites. I love the dish soap (it smells like yummy pomegranate!) and the glass and window cleaner, which does as good a job as Windex.

terra20 would also like to give YOU (and you, and you....) a coupon so you can bring home three free ecobar sample kits. You can choose any three ecobar products to try at home!

Please leave a comment telling me what your favourite eco product is, or share with me why you made the switch to eco-friendly cleaning products.

Here are the products you can choose from:

- Hard Floor Surface Cleaner
- Dish Soap (Pomegranate Scent)
- Bathroom Cleaner
- Glass and Window Cleaner
- All Purpose Cleaner
- Liquid Laundry (Unscented)
- Fabric Softener (Unscented)
- Fabric Softener (Lavender Scent)

The best part? EVERYONE who leaves a comment telling me what your favourite eco product is, or why you made the switch to eco-friendly products, gets a coupon to pick up three sample sized (very generous sized, might I add, see picture above) products from terra20's ecobar. Winners should live in Ottawa and surrounding areas, because you'll have to go terra20 to get your products.

Happy eco-shopping, everyone!


Meg Dunbar saidā€¦
I have switched to using eco friendly products because of the wonderful information I have come across because of both Terra20 and Adria Vasil. I have realized everything from blush to counter cleaner has harmful ingredients to not only me, but also the planet. I am becoming more aware of what products I use and would love to try some of the cleaning products at Terra20.
Meg Dunbar saidā€¦
I have become more knowledgable about how the products I use in my house and on my body are harmful for both the environment and me. Thanks to Terra20, Adria Vasil, and lots of information form the world wide web I'm slowly incorporating more and moreeco friendly products in my life. Im hoping to try some of the cleaning products available at Terra20.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Loulou,

We switched over to eco friendly brand cleaning products many years ago to be better to the environment, my health and of course because we have kids, just pets...lots of them and we try to use products that are friendly to us and them! We've been using the "Green" products from Loblaws that I love - they smell great and clean better than most non-eco friendly products.

I'm definitely interested in trying new eco-friendly products and would love to know more about terra20!

Anastasia Yerxa
Unknown saidā€¦
I think its time to make the switch, with so much harmful stuff in the products I currently use, would be scary if my kids found them!
rachel saidā€¦
I'm so jealous I don't live in Ottawa! This sounds fabulous.
Christy saidā€¦
I made the switch to eco-friendly products when I was pregnant with my first son - I seemed to wake up and pay attention as soon as I was responsible for another human being. I want to protect them, as much as I can, and do my part to help take care of the earth for my great great great grandchildren. One of your best give aways yet!
Lucy saidā€¦
It is time for me to make the swtich to eco-friendly cleaning products now that I am pregnant and will soon have a little one in the house exposed to all the products I use around the house!

I've read that women who are expecting shouldn't be inhaling checmicals from cleaning prodcuts, and although I use a couple of eco-frienly products already and try not to breathe when using the others (probably not wise), it is probably time for me to make the switch for good!
Lindsay saidā€¦
I made the switch after my son was born. I became more conscious of all the products we use at home- cleaning supplies and toiletries / cosmetics.
Chantal saidā€¦
I also made the switch when kids came along. So far so good.
acidtrix saidā€¦
I actually have very little experience using eco-friendly products (other than Live Clean beauty care related products), and using vinegar for various cleaning jobs. It's through joining Apartment Therapy's January Cure Challenge, which prompts you to stock up on eco-friendly and DIY cleaning products for the month's assignments, that I searched for eco-friendly cleaning products in Ottawa and discovered Terra20 and this blog. I'm excited to go to Terra20 and get some new products!
Cathy saidā€¦
I use vinegar/water for almost all of my cleaning with a bit of baking soda when needed. Many many many get what I mean. Any way when I was young I lived with my Grandparents and my lovely Grandmother used vinegar while cleaning.... I did use other types of products for awhile then I had children.... as you know they like to eat,lick and taste things so I began to once again use healthier products. Now there is a broader variety of products on the market.
I do not live in Ottawa, but visit at least twice a year as my youngest goes to University there. What a fabulous city you have! I would move there in a heartbeat.
Coffee with Julie saidā€¦
I have been trying to switch to safer products every since I became a mom. But I am not fully there yet and my daughter is now 10! I would love to try out the laundry and floor cleaners from Terra20. Great giveaway!