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Showing posts from October, 2012

Unspeakable Horror

I didn't sleep well last night. I was tossing and turning, checking on my children, kissing them, convering them with their blankets, tossing and turning some more, and wiping away my tears. The horrific nightmare of a story that happening yesterday in New York City is something I cannot stop thinking about, no matter how hard I try. I've been sick to my stomach, thinking about this mother, her poor little children , and her surviving child. I cannot imagineā€” yet, I can ā€”the pain, the grief, the questions, the living nightmare this family now has to live through, every day that remains of their lives. A perfectly beautiful family, shattered, torn apart, in the blink of an eye, in a horror story come to life. Some stories haunt me and stay with me forever. This is one of them. When you become a  mom, life changes so drastically, so suddenly, in a million different ways. The emotions and feelings we experience once we enter the world of motherhood is like nothing else. No...

Joys of Youth

One of the things I love best about the fact that my mother is a professional artist is her ability to capture children in their most innocent and happy moments with her paint brush. This is why her work is so popular with her customers, why people can't stop at just buying one piece, and why her art brightens the hallways in schools, community centres, and hospitals across Canada. My mom is having her annual art show with Koyman Galleries and I'm very excited that this year, they are releasing a Limited Edition print called Snow Day with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Each print will be numbered and signed by the artist, too. CHEO is very special to me and to my children, so I'm really happy about this partnership. The series is called "Joys of Youth"  and the series will be published over the course of the next few years, with a new title available in time for each Christmas season and Mother's Day. Also for s...

50 Shades Of Awesome, Toronto Style

The third annual BlissDom Canada conference has come and gone... just like that. It came and lasted all of two minutes (that's what it felt like to me!) but it was worth it, of course. There is always so much to bring home from these conferencesā€”creative ideas, fresh perspective, new friends, and always, inspiration. After all, BlissDom Canada is a weekend filled with some of the smartest women in the blogging, writing, and social media world, so it's hard not to feel inspired and excited about what you'll do next. Yes, the first few days back after a blogging conference are hard and wonderful... they're wonderful because you get to re-connect with your family and those hugs you receive from the kids? Priceless. The first few days back are also hard because you're not face-to-face in the same room with so many fabulous people.  Friday night was all about connecting with the members of the Yummy Mummy Club . Erica Ehm hosted a fabulous dinner for all her blo...

A Little Bit Of Bliss And Some Tips

The third annual BlissDom Canada is taking over the city of Toronto in just a few days... and I'm SO excited! I love that this conference takes place in October, giving us all something to look forward to so soon after BlogHer .   Every time I attend a blogging conference, I come back with new memeries, stories to tell, and laughter to remember. Oh yeahā€”I learn something new at each conference, too, like who has the best moves on the dance floor, who can last until 4 a.m. at a karaoke bar in NYC, and who will have me in tears, both happy ones, and sad ones. (There are always some sort of emotional tears at blogging conferences, which has something to do with the brilliant people you'll talk to and listen to, combined with the fact that you don't get much sleep and are basically surviving on wine and cupcakes for three days.) This weekend, I am going to be speaking at BlissDom Canada as a Community Leader . My topic is "How To Price And Value Your Services...


It's Thanksgiving weekend! Well, here in Canada it is, and that means most of us will be getting together with our loved ones and eating a lot of food. More turkey, anyone? Anyway, I often write about the things I'm thankful for, and top of my list, every single day of the year, is my children. I'm thankful for my children, and I'm so blessed to be their mother . They are my life. Of course, I'm thankful for my entire wonderful family, and for my best  friends . I'm thankful for these things every day of the year. I'm thankful that even though I don't often stick to all my New Year's resolutions , I'm easy on myself, and I'm thankful I've had this space to write about everything like my love of music or my appreciation for the many friends I've met through blogging since 2007. I'm thankful that I have a place where I can talk about all things fashion and shopping , and this year, I'm thankful that I'm going ...