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Catching Up

Jumping back into blogging can sometimes be as hard as trying to find the perfect time to jump into a game of double dutch. I haven't blogged in a while, and I miss it. I miss reading blogs, and I miss writing. You guys, I need more time. Perhaps less time on Twitter would help, but only a little bit. I need like, 24 hours more a day to get it all done. Balance? I don't have it. So here it is. A random post, because there is so much to say.

My boys were sick, and as soon as they were on the mend, I got sick. I had a high fever that lasted one week. I visited my doctor, slept all day, had blood work and an ECG done, was seen in the ER, and broke out in a huge rash. Boy, that was fun. And then? I got an eye infection that resulted in me rushing to the Eye Institute for an emergency appointment. Of course, being sick meant I couldn't go to work, so when I was well enough to return to my job, I had a lot of catching up to do. Which means I had even less time to do the things I love, like blogging. And of course, on top of working full-time and playing catch up with everything, I had a million things to do around the house, and most important of all, spending a lot of quality time with my boys. I don't get computer time when my children are awake, because as a mom two active boys, it's impossible to even go to the bathroom alone. But, the good news? I'm not sick anymore, except for a lingering cough that will likely go away in early 2013.

Things have been busy, with school, activities, homework, parties, swimming lessons and did I mention homework? I also attended an afternoon tea at the home of the US Ambassaror with our Prime Minister's wife with my mom and sister for a special Red Cross event, and then I went to Toronto for the weekend for a best friend's bachelorette party.

A weekend getaway in an amazing city, in a fabulous hotel, with my best friends since childhood? Just what the doctor ordered! I was still sick, but couldn't give up the chance to celebrate with my closest friends. The Marriott Bloor Yorkville welcomed me back (remember they treated me to two fabulous nights for my birthday weekend last year?) and they took amazing care of my friends and I. The location, the service, and the rooms were perfection, and it's my favourite hotel to stay at when I'm in Toronto. Our weekend away could not have been more fun or memorable. I didn't even have time to shop and I'm totally okay with that.

Let's shift gears and talk about The Hunger Games, shall we?  I read the books in three days, which is less time than it took me to read the Twilight series, but only by like, a day. And I saw the movie. And you guys? I loved it. SO MUCH. I'm totally going to be Katniss for Halloween. (How awesome was Jennifer Lawrence?) I didn't want the movie to end, and I can't believe I have to wait to see the next two movies. Grumble. It was so well done, and I think everyone was so well cast. The movie was almost exactly as I had pictured the books in my head. I have something else to say. A confession, if you will...

I'm Team Gale. I know. I'm sorry. I really tried to love Peeta, but even before I saw who was playing Gale and even before I saw the movie, I thought he was the one for Katniss. I don't want to give too much away here, because I know at least one person reading this who hasn't read all the books yet, but let's just say... Gale. Gale all the way. Peeta is too... I don't know. Lacking something. But Gale? He was always there for Katniss, when he could be. I totally think he loves her more. Totally. He's not lacking the something that Peeta is.

You know what I'm not lacking, though? I'm not lacking mommy guilt.

In one month, I'm going to be in Key Biscayne, Miami, for the  Mom 2.0 conference. And I'm thrilled to announce that Volkswagen, IKEA, Tommee Tippee and Kelloggs are my sponsors for this conference! I have so much more to say about these fabulous companies, but that'll come in a few upcoming posts. Mom 2.0 has fabulous speakers lined up, and amazing sessions, and I'm very excited to be attending. The cherry on top? A party at the Versace mansion in South Beach wraps up the conference on Saturday night. But. That would mean I'd have to be away from my children for THREE nights. And I missed them way too much when I was in San Diego for three nights during BlogHer last year. I know I'll miss them more than they'll miss me and I know I'll regret not going to a party in THE Versace mansion, but... mommy guilt. Every year when I'm in Miami, I take pictures outside the Versace mansion, and now I have a chance to walk through the front doors. What's a girl to do? Why can't I have a money tree in my backyard so I can fly my entire family down to Florida with me so I don't have to miss them? Sigh.

What would you do?


OHmommy saidā€¦
Your boys will hardly notice you are gone for an extra night. How many opportunities will you have to re-live that Saturday night? I say GO!
Japolina saidā€¦
I live in Miami and the versace mansion is not to be missed. Many Miamians have not ever been in. I took a tour of the entire thing (including Gianni's room) when I was thinking of booking an event there. It is amazing!

key biscayne is gorgeous. You'll have a blast!
Stephanie saidā€¦
You must stay the extra night or you will regret it forever!!!!
Angella saidā€¦
Have SO MUCH FUN. Wish I could be there.

And I am TOTALLY team Gale, even more so since seeing the actor who plays him. A girlfriend told me that his brother is the actor who plays Thor, which explains it. ;)
I love these kinds of posts!

But no, no, no, I'm totally Team Peeta. I don't think it's a matter of who loves Katniss more. Peeta just seems to accept her more the way she is than Gale does. I don't know.

And OMG, go girl! xoxo
Lady Mama saidā€¦
Okay. Honestly? GO FOR ALL THREE NIGHTS! Seriously don't pass up this kind of opportunity. Your boys will be totally fine and will love even more when you come back!