One of the greatest joys of motherhood is watching your children develop into little people, with their very own personalities. I find it fascinating to see the differencesāand similaritiesābetween my two boys. I love watching them interact, and play with one another, too. My youngest son is active, determined, smart, funny and absolutely adorable. He always knows how to get his way with his big brown eyes and killer smile. My oldest son is my gentle bookworm. Never-ending questions about science, geography, and the history of the world, he is the inquisitive kid. His latest fascination? Money. And gold. He has started a coin collection, and has learned how to count money; he knows the value of a dollar way more than I do. He also (and this is kind of scary) knows the periodic table of elements. One look at the elements when I was in grade 11 Chemistry, and I was in the guidance office begging to taking another English class. So what does my little Alex P. Keaton five year old ask fo...
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