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When I used to think of Mark's Work Warehouse, I used to think: "I've got no need to shop there." After all, didn't Mark's only sell things like uniforms for nurses, and work boots for construction workers? Well, Mark's has changed. It's a store even I could shop at now!

Mark's still carries all the basics you'd need if you're looking for proper work attire, but it's also gone through some major renovations - both on the outside, with their new 'look', and in terms of what they sell inside. The store is simply called Mark's now, and Mark's is all about innovation.

I was invited to Mark's along with several other bloggers for a Marks-over. I was able to try on some of their fabulous new clothes, and was treated to a full make-over, including make-up, hair, and a fun photo shoot.

My eyes were instantly drawn to a sparkly pink top, because, well, I love pink! Also new? Skinny jeans! And sexy boots!

It was a really fun experience, and the best part? We got to take home our new outfits. I have received many compliments on my new Mark's outfit - so thank you, Mark's, for showing us all that you're not just for 'work' anymore!


Anonymous saidā€¦
u look super cute!!!! love the top ! I dont think they have that store in the US :(
Sara saidā€¦
I have loved seeing everyone's mark-over pictures! Love the pink :) I'll have to go and take a look there today
what a fun time! Looks like a great outfit!
wow, super fun! And free clothes! And a makeover! You look lovely babe :-)
Shana saidā€¦
free clothes AND a makeover? what more could a girl ask for???!!!!
Lady Mama saidā€¦
That's Marks? Wow. You look lovely as ever. :)
MommyLovesStilettos saidā€¦
I'm jealous! Sounds like so much fun!
Stephanie saidā€¦
Fabulous! I never would have thought of Mark's to shop but you look hawt my friend:)
Chantal saidā€¦
I loved my marksover as well. Aren't we lucky!!!