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The perfect BlogHer outfit!

I've been thinking about what to wear to BlogHer, because it's literally around the corner. (Squee!) I have tried on so many dresses, and while I feel good about most of my choices, nothing screamed "YES! YES! YES!" to me until today.

I found the perfect dress to wear to all the fabulous parties for at least one of the nights. I think I'll fit right in, don't you?

Oh, and I decided to leave any traces of my roots at home, because really? I don't want to look like a tourist. (Don't you know Canadians always dress like this?) Also, as if I'd wear a pair of pants that accentuate my hips! I think not.

More BlogHer posts to come - stay tuned!


Shopgirlerica saidā€¦
So cute! So your little "tweet" and jumped on. great blog!
Connie saidā€¦
HI! Love the green dress!
CaraBee saidā€¦
I saw your tweet and thought for sure I was going to pop over here and see you and all your fashion fabulosity. Too funny! Honest to goodness, I've barely thought about what I'm going to wear. Weird, huh? Last year I AGONIZED.

Can't wait to meet you!
Kate Coveny Hood saidā€¦
You're so skinny! Now I'm all insecure...need to lose 50 lbs in two weeks before BlogHer!

Looking forward to seeing you in your real ensembles.
Jennifer G saidā€¦
This is my first time going and I my head is swirling with all of the tweets and posts and such. Fashion hadn't even dawned on me yet. (sigh) I am such a newbie.
Mommyfriend Lori saidā€¦
Hee hee, so adorable! Have a blast, I can't wait to read your upcoming Blogher posts! I am sad I won't be there, boo hoo!
Stephanie saidā€¦
Bwhaha. Yes of course that is how all us Canadians dress! Never leave home without the hat.
Hee hee! You're going to look fabulous, I'm sure! Have FUN!!!
Pres. Kathy saidā€¦
You are so funny! I know that you will look awesome! I can't wait to see what you buy!
I am SO mad i am not going now! I would LOVE to see you in those!!
Well Im glad I read this post - cause I totally bought the Statue Of Liberty
I sure hope you find them in your will rock BlogHer ward-robing!