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We've come a long way, baby!

Today was my son's first time participating in show and tell at his school. Can I just say, 'we've come a long way, baby!'

My once shy little boy has most certainly come out of his shell at school. He talks to me about his day, and when I ask him questions about what he did at school, he answers and tells me stories. I love hearing the things he says. I love that he is no longer as shy as he once was, and that he woke up at the crack of dawn, excited about school.

Today was an extra special day for him - not only was it his turn to do show-and-tell, he was also the 'friend of the day', AND - the best part of all? My mom was the invited guest at the school. She read from the book she recently illustrated, talked about her career as an artist, and did a painting demonstration for the children, from kindergarten to grade 3.

Christos brought in some of his crystal and rock collection, and talked to his classmates about why he loves collecting them and where they came from.

At the end of the morning, he said: "Today was my best day ever at school!" and hearing those words? I melt.

It is hearing the little things like that make my heart beat a little faster, that make me feel like a million bucks, that make me so completely happy as a mom. Isn't it the same for you? When your children are totally happy, what more could you ask for?

Because if my son had the best day ever today? Then I did, too! It's really that simple.


Larissa saidā€¦
So sweet! Both of ur boys are precious. I'm so glad ur son likes school. I feel bad for the mom's who have to drop their kid off screaming everyday! My son Braeden was really shy too. Then he started school and to my astonishment he became very outgoing and loves to go to school. He talks about his friends all the time. It's sweet... and sad- I kinda miss him being my shy little mommas boy.
Tiffany Lockette saidā€¦
He is such a cutie pie. I know you are a proud Mommy.
BeachMama saidā€¦
Aww congrats, a first of many to come, I am sure. The firsts always melt my heart just a little.
twinmomplusone saidā€¦
Special day indeed! And how awesome for your mom to do that at school :) I had a similar proud mommy moment today when my daughter received an art award in front of the whole school. She like Christos, used to be painstakingly shy and has finally ongrown it, phew!!!

Congrats toa ll :)
My Trendy Tykes saidā€¦
Aww! The best day ever, huh?
That is so cute!
2 Little Irish Boys saidā€¦
What a great day for all of you! I love it too when Cash tells me he had the best day ever---melts my heart!
Lindsay saidā€¦
That *is the best, isn't it? And your mom is so talented. I love her art!
Anonymous saidā€¦
What a great memory to have!
Anonymous saidā€¦
So happy for both of you! Makes you realize he's doing great. We ask our 3year old to tell us his favourite part of the day every night. We do the same. I want him to appreciate the little things that make a day great, and the bonus is I get to hear what he thought of the day. Sometimes it takes prodding, but over time I think it will be a great family ritual.
CalgaryDaddy saidā€¦
That is awesome! It is pretty cool when they share their joy!

Sounds like it was certainly a special day for your son...and your mother sounds really neat!
Maria @BOREDmommy saidā€¦
That's sweet. It's true how our day is absolutely affected by the kind of day they have. Love show and tell days - so cute!
Jennifer saidā€¦
You're right--it is that simple for moms, isn't it? We love to see our kids happy! I'm glad you both had a great day!
Unknown saidā€¦
Awww! He is so cute, and I am so happy with how well he is doing. I hope Isabella does as well as him!

CaraBee saidā€¦
How wonderful that your mom could do that with your son! I'll bet he loved it!

Seeing my daughter's smile really is the best thing. I am so excited for her to be big enough to go to have adventures that she can tell me about.
Mom2Miles saidā€¦
Awww... My son's school doesn't do show & tell. I wonder why? It's such a classic kid thing.

I think it's SO COOL that your mom is a children's book illustrator!!
Liz Mays saidā€¦
I am so happy that he's really enjoying his school and becoming more outgoing!

You're right. When the kids are happy, we are!
Shana saidā€¦
That is wonderful!!!!!!
Pres. Kathy saidā€¦
I am happy that everything is going well with school! Your mom is so talented!
So glad he had such a great day. And, how lucky was he that your mom came to his school?
Scary Mommy saidā€¦
When did Christos get so big?!?! He looks so grown up!!! And so very handsome! Your boys are gorgeous.