I've always loved reading, every since I can remember. Probably ever since I could read. The first book I remember reading will always have a special place in my heart - Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume.
You know what other books hold a special place in my heart? The Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High series. I remember the day I bought my very first one. It was from a small bookstore in a small mall, and I started reading the book that night. I fell in love right away.

As you probably know, the series was about Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, blonde, blue-eyed California twins. The books were mindless fun, about their adventures in middle school... and all the drama. Well, as much drama as you can have as a 12 year old girl!
Elizabeth was the 'good girl' - the teacher's pet. The one who got A's in school, the one who started up the school newspaper, the sister with big dreams of becoming a writer. She was always rescuing her younger-by-4-minutes sister Jessica, who spent her time shopping, gossiping, and hanging out with the members of the exclusive Unicorn Club. I never did figure out which twin I more closely resembled in character - I think I was a mixture of both, although truly, probably more like Elizabeth, since most nights I'd rather stay in with a good book than go out.
I just want to add here that I also read Wuthering Heights when I was 14 years old, for some credibility. Okay, back to Sweet Valley...
These books were before Beverly Hills 90210, before The O.C., before Gossip Girl - before all that. And yes, I realize they're books, not TV shows, but still. Just like 90210 was a huge part of my Wednesday nights while I was in University, the Sweet Valley books were a huge part of my pre-teenage years. Of course, my friends and I started our very own Unicorn Club, just like we started a Babysitters Club. Both failed miserably, but we tried. I guess I didn't own enough purple clothes!
After reading every single Sweet Valley Twins book, I moved on. Oh yes, it was time for something more grown-up. I graduated to Sweet Valley High, baby!

Sweet Valley High was all about, well, you guessed it - the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica as high school students. And there was some serious drama! Love, betrayal, friendship, heartache, football games, cheerleader practice, school dances, tears, alcohol, drugs and even death.
Amazingly, nobody ever turned 17. For years, everyone was 16 years old. That always irritated me, but I digress.
Sweet Valley High was the grown up version of Sweet Valley Twins. I read almost every single book in the series - and there was well over 150 of them. Regardless of whether or not I could relate to everything in the series, I would always buy the newest book when it came out. Seeing a new book in the bookstore made me so happy! I was like a kid in a candy store...
Now, are you ready for some exciting news? I found out from Scary Mommy on Twitter that Juno writer Diablo Cody is set to write and produce Sweet Valley High for the big screen - and I am so excited about this! (You can even follow the whole gang on Twitter now, too!)
To see Jessica, Elizabeth, Lila, and Todd on the big screen will be awesome. Surely it'll be a good movie, right? At least it will be to all the people who read the books!
I'm feeling very nostalgic right now. And sort of old. I bet the theatre will be packed with more 30 year olds than teenagers, and to be honest? I hope so! I think this movie should cater to the fans of the books, not today's teens. What are today's teens reading now, anyway?
I'm sure I'll be seeing you in line at the box office soon - giggling with excitement and feeling 13 all over again, as we watch the girls we grew up with come to life.
You know what other books hold a special place in my heart? The Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High series. I remember the day I bought my very first one. It was from a small bookstore in a small mall, and I started reading the book that night. I fell in love right away.

As you probably know, the series was about Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, blonde, blue-eyed California twins. The books were mindless fun, about their adventures in middle school... and all the drama. Well, as much drama as you can have as a 12 year old girl!
Elizabeth was the 'good girl' - the teacher's pet. The one who got A's in school, the one who started up the school newspaper, the sister with big dreams of becoming a writer. She was always rescuing her younger-by-4-minutes sister Jessica, who spent her time shopping, gossiping, and hanging out with the members of the exclusive Unicorn Club. I never did figure out which twin I more closely resembled in character - I think I was a mixture of both, although truly, probably more like Elizabeth, since most nights I'd rather stay in with a good book than go out.
I just want to add here that I also read Wuthering Heights when I was 14 years old, for some credibility. Okay, back to Sweet Valley...
These books were before Beverly Hills 90210, before The O.C., before Gossip Girl - before all that. And yes, I realize they're books, not TV shows, but still. Just like 90210 was a huge part of my Wednesday nights while I was in University, the Sweet Valley books were a huge part of my pre-teenage years. Of course, my friends and I started our very own Unicorn Club, just like we started a Babysitters Club. Both failed miserably, but we tried. I guess I didn't own enough purple clothes!
After reading every single Sweet Valley Twins book, I moved on. Oh yes, it was time for something more grown-up. I graduated to Sweet Valley High, baby!

Sweet Valley High was all about, well, you guessed it - the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica as high school students. And there was some serious drama! Love, betrayal, friendship, heartache, football games, cheerleader practice, school dances, tears, alcohol, drugs and even death.
Amazingly, nobody ever turned 17. For years, everyone was 16 years old. That always irritated me, but I digress.
Sweet Valley High was the grown up version of Sweet Valley Twins. I read almost every single book in the series - and there was well over 150 of them. Regardless of whether or not I could relate to everything in the series, I would always buy the newest book when it came out. Seeing a new book in the bookstore made me so happy! I was like a kid in a candy store...
Now, are you ready for some exciting news? I found out from Scary Mommy on Twitter that Juno writer Diablo Cody is set to write and produce Sweet Valley High for the big screen - and I am so excited about this! (You can even follow the whole gang on Twitter now, too!)
To see Jessica, Elizabeth, Lila, and Todd on the big screen will be awesome. Surely it'll be a good movie, right? At least it will be to all the people who read the books!
I'm feeling very nostalgic right now. And sort of old. I bet the theatre will be packed with more 30 year olds than teenagers, and to be honest? I hope so! I think this movie should cater to the fans of the books, not today's teens. What are today's teens reading now, anyway?
I'm sure I'll be seeing you in line at the box office soon - giggling with excitement and feeling 13 all over again, as we watch the girls we grew up with come to life.
I think that kids today are pretty vampire obsessed. Does anyone read Are You There God, It's Me Margaret anymore? Considering that her maxipad belt contraption was outdated when I read the book, I have a feeling it may have become obsolete.
I was definitely an Elizabeth... like 95%.
And what are teenagers these days reading? Us, People, and Twilight. Oh and text messages.
Can't wait for the movie, how exciting! I hope it is better than the short-lived show was :)
Yours with a gold lavaliere,
Natalie (@YMCbuzz)
for http://www.YummyMummyClub.ca
I cannot wait to watch this movie...the memories from the books are flooding back thanks to this post--ahhh...Sweet Valley, here we come!
(I do love Diablo Cody though)
What about Lila Fowler and Bruce Patman?
I can not WAIT for this movie!
These are only a few books that I could have read over and over. Never read the Twins, though, just SVH.
~ humps
Long live Sweet Valley!