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When a day takes a turn for the worse

Today started off good. The sun was shining, I kissed my boys goodbye, and I went to work for the morning, for a meeting. A short day in the office meant I could rush home to be with the kids all afternoon.

Also? I was having a great hair day. I put on my favourite pair of jeans and heels, and a cute white top. I felt good!

My day quickly took a turn for the worse...

When I got home, I took my boys to the grocery store and, feeling brave, decided to buy ingredients to cook dinner. Well, I should have known something was going to prevent me from cooking dinner as soon as I got the idea in my head! As is always the case.
My experience in the grocery store was a disaster. I've taken both boys alone before, and they are usually well-behaved. But today, God help us, it was a complete disaster.

Dimitry was not happy, having woken up early from his nap. Christos was okay, but stalling and getting in and out of the grocery cart. Dimitry wanted out. Then in. Then out. Then he ran down one aisle, while Christos went the other way, and I was stuck not knowing where to go. After some spilled sprinkles, dropped cupcakes, and rolled away fruit, I decided we should head home. But not before Dimitry and Christos played farmers in the fruit section, individually bagging each fruit. It was fun for a while, but I was done. I was tired, and drained. I'm sure some of you have had similar experiences at the grocery store - I hope I'm not alone here! I still had to get home to actually cook dinner, remember? (And that means a lot of extra time for this 'not-great-in-the-kitchen' mama!)

Of coures, Christos insisted on doing self check-out. Did I mention we had a ton of stuff? Anyway, to avoid a breakdown, we did the self check-out thing. Baby was totally fussy, and Christos was slowly scanning each item. Beep... beep... beep...

That's when I started looking for my car keys.
"Hmm... they're not in my purse. Let me check again... nope, not here. Okay, boys, let's go to the car to see if they're there."

We got to the car, and no keys. But the doors were unlocked. I though I must have dropped them on my way into the store, so I decided to put the bags in the trunk and take the boys back inside to see if anyone turned in any Volkswagen keys. No luck.

I called my mom, and my dad was on his way to my house to pick up my spare key to bring to me. The boys and I passed some time in the store, and I realized that me cooking dinner was not going to happen.
So, Christos, Dimitry and I went outside to wait for my dad. We were standing at the doors of the Superstore, and what do I see? My car slowly reversing... and driving away.

"Oh my God, Christos... someone is driving away in our car! No way.. OMG? Someone just stole my car?"

I was sort of laughing, while holding the umbrella under me and the boys, and sort of crying at the same time, in that "I'm a lunatic" sort of way.

I called my mom. "Mom? Someone just drove away with my car! My car just got stolen!"

She thought it might be my dad, and this made sense to me, because like, who the hell steals a car with 2 car seats in it at 4 p.m. from the grocery store?

Of course, it was not my dad, as he appeared a few minutes later. The cops arrived shortly after, and I filled out my report. The boys were playing in my dads car, but they were getting cranky again. And me? I was angry!

Who steals a car? I mean seriously! I'm the type of person who sees a 20 dollar bill on the pavement and will not pick it up just in case I'm on camera or something!

I started thinking about all the things in my car - some pictures, my diaper bag, all my groceries, my MacLaren double stroller, the car seats, and my groceries. There goes dinner!

30 minutes later, I was told my car had been found. On the other side of the grocery store. We drove around, and I saw my car, front door wide open. And, oh, the mess inside! They had taken apart that diaper bag - as if I kept a big wad of cash in there, in between the diapers and wipes! All the new back-to-school clothes I bought for Christos at Gymboree yesterday were tossed all around, and the handle of my glove box was broken.
Seriously? To whoever did this? What the hell? You didn't even open the truck to get all my groceries? You suck and I am glad I don't know you. Mean people suck. You are a bad person for doing this. Especially knowing there are 2 car seats in the car. You have no values. I hope you're caught. But really, I hope you grow the hell up and realize what you did was not right.

P.S. John Hughes passed away today.

P.P.S Went to the park with the kids after dinner (my mom brought us food) and one of my really nice flip flops broke, so I walked home with only one shoe on my foot.

Is today over yet?


Anonymous said…
OMG what a shitty day. You need to have a cold drink, a hot bath and go to bed - tomorrow will be better!
Lady Mama said…
Oh God Loukia what a day! Big hug to you. What complete arseholes - whoever took your car. I would have been furious too. And I probably would have burst into tears. Good for you for keeping it together. And you know tomorrow is bound to be a much better day!
OMG, honey I am so sorry! I have had days like this and know how shitty it feels. I cant believe someone took off with your car. I am sure they were looking for cash for drugs or something, right? Ugh... here's hoping tomorrow is better for you!
Scatteredmom said…

You need a bath, a glass of wine, and a HUG. What a horrible day! I was nodding along about the grocery store (oh GEEZ grocery shopping when Jake was little was hard). I've locked my keys IN the car and had to take the bus home with a baby, but to have it stolen? with me watching? And then vandalized?

I would have sat down and cried right there on the curb.

(hugs) Tomorrow will be better.
MamaJoss said…
Loukia - oh no! My stomach is turning for you reading this -- you poor Mommy. I can't even imagine what I'd do??? I'm glad that everything is ok now and everyone is safe. Stuff is had your most important valuables on you :) Here's to a WAY better day tomorrow and Praise be...the weekend!
Daddy Dan said…

I hope they didn't take your stroller or car seats.

I hope they catch those punks!
Managed Chaos said…
Mean people suck...amen to that Loukia! After the day you've had today,tomorrow will be paradise (it's only fair,right?)
What?!?!? I can't BELIEVE this!

I cannot believe you watched him back your car out!!! I gasped out loud when I read that. And with carseats and a diaper bag and whatnot?? The nerve!!

I am so sorry. Thank goodness you and the boys are okay.
Loukia said…
Thank you so much, you guys. It was unreal!! I kept looking at my boys to make sure they were with me! My oldest said: "But bad people don't drive..." when I told him a bad person stole our car.
that tops the crappy day list! I also had 2 crabby kids at the grocery store AND left my keys in the store, but did have a car to come back too!
Jessica said…
I think technically it's over for you now (though, sadly my day still has another 40 mins left).

So I was right! It was some a-hole taking it for a joyride! I'm so glad that's all it was, but boy am I sorry that happened! That's so shifty!!!

I think there was something in the air today. My day sucked, too. :)

I'm having an extra glass of wine FOR you tonight! I think I would have died. And oh yeah, I would be right pissed off!
Christy said…
Oh Loukia I am sooo sooo sorry you had such a horrible day. The person that did that? I have one work - KARMA! It will come back and bite him (because I simply can't imagine a her doing that) in the arse.

Today is a new day; go buy yourself some new flip flops and go out to dinner. I hope it's better than yesterday!!!
Amy said…
Who does that??

Who finds a set of lost keys and, instead of turning them in, DECIDES TO GO LOOKING FOR THE CAR TO STEAL IT???

Seriously, WHO DOES THAT???

I just can't imagine someone's head working like that. They say that chivalry is dead. Apparently so is common decency.

Sorry you had such a crummy (x10) day, Lou.
Chandra said…
Geez, I thought I was having a bad until I read this. I guess you can be thankful that your children were not in the car at the time!

I've had someone steal my stereo out of my car but never actaully steal my helpless you must have felt seeing your car drive away. At least they found it and only minor damage. Just gald everyone is okay and doing well!
Shana said…
Oh, you poor thing!! What a terrible day! I hope you had a nice drink or glass of wine to help unwind! And hope your weekend is uneventful!
Cynthia said…
No way! People are just plain nuts! Seriously...I gotta think karma is gonna come back around and bite those folks in the a$$, ya know?

I hope things got better today:)
Chantal said…
WOW, you win for like, worse day of the year. That was nasty! Hugs to you.
Scary Mommy said…
Oh, my goodness!! How horrible for you. People are just unbelievable. :(
Capital Mom said…
How lucky to have gotten your car back! What a thing to have happen.
Anonymous said…
I can only image the thoughts going through your head watching your car drive away. I too would be on the edge of cussing and crying.

I'm glad you got it back though. I can't believe it was in the grocery store lot. I've walked away with my door wide open and have been very fortunate to not have had it stolen.
Crystall said…
Holy smokes! I am like everyone else- glad that you guys are OK. And, seriously, the flip-flop thing topped it all off! You made my bad day (the other day) look like a breeze in the park! I hope today was better for you. Then again, how could it not be? :)
Anonymous said…
I have had SO MANY bad market trips and I only have 1 child. You are not alone by any means!!! Just remember to be grateful on the really shitty days because what matters most, your family and health was intact. I know this is easier said than done! You are right mean people suck, but what goes around comes around so they will get what they deserve! Love your blog
ohh god that tops any bad day ive ever had - and believe me i've had many! Poor you, i believe in karma, that mean person who stole your car will get what's coming to them for sure, hope your week gets better x
Kristen Andrews said…
wow that is crummy, what is wrong w/ people?? glad you got it back!
CaraBee said…
When it rains, it pours. What a lousy, lousy day. I am so sorry all of that had to happen to you, on the same day no less. I have had my car broken into twice and been mugged, so I TOTALLY understand. It is the worst feeling.

On the upside, at least you got your car back, though!
Andrea said…
I am stunned. Hugs to you for surviving that day. I would have cried on the curb-after I screamed at my departing car. So, where were the keys?

I'm glad that it's over-and you? :D
Oh no! That's awful. But at least you found your car right away. I was expecting to hear that it was discovered five blocks away completely stripped and torched.
Uuggh. Mean people do suck, and I totally agree - there is something so much worse about stealing a vehicle with car seats in it...
I'm glad it was found, and hope you went home a took a nice bath or a nap...and hope you are feeling better. What a truly crappy day.
RuensOnTheRun said…
I'm late on reading this, but whoa that was a BAD day. I sure hope that is the last one you experience for a long time.
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you actually witnessed your car being stolen!! That is insane!!!
Anonymous said…
I can't even imagine how surreal it was to watch your own car drive away!!!! Just be glad you got it back so quickly and with nothing really taken! Man, that's just crazy!