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Tissue, please!

Would someone pass me a tissue, please?

On September 3rd, I will be turning...

This September 3rd, I'm going to be...

Okay, I can say it. Here I go:

On September 3rd of this year, I will be turning (oh, tear...) 33 years old.

Oh God.

My heart is beating madly, trying to figure out where all the years have gone... how am I so old, already? 33? That's old, people! I know it's old because I remember when my mom was 33 and I was like: "OMG, mom, that is old! 33! Wow!" And now? I'm there. 33 years old.

But how can that be when I feel like I'm 20 still? I mean, I still can't cook. That well. I'm not a nikokira. (That means good housewife in Greek). But - I am a very happy and good mom to my children. For this, I am proud. And I have enjoyed every single year leading up to this 33rd. So I have a lot to happy about - a lot of great memories. But still - turning 33 is kind of like turning a page, you know? Next year, I'll be 34 and the year after that 35, and then I'll be almost 40.

Also? Besides the fact that I'm turning 33 years old on September 3rd, it also happens to be the very first day my son goes to school - kindergarten - to meet his teacher for the first time.

Um, talk about an emotional day! My oldest son, starting school (sort of, it's more like meet-the-teacher day) on the day I turn 33.

Good times!

Again... can someone please pass me a tissue?


Patrick C. Nicol saidā€¦
I turned 38 this year, REALLY old, and it bothers me daily!
Christy saidā€¦
I'll be 35 next month and I am really not stressed about it - probably because I'm all about the cake and presents and don't really think about the number of candles! You are young and beautiful and your son will be fine in kindergarten - maybe you should take the day off and go to the spa - that's my plan!
Jessica saidā€¦
Aw! That is emotional! And 33 is STILL younger than 34!!

I was just thinking about how I'm gonna be a total freaking wreck when Hollis goes to school. Oh lordy!!! I'll be thinking of you!
I don't let it bother me! I figure, what choice to we have? Stay young at heart!!
Managed Chaos saidā€¦
You're only as old as you feel, so don't let a little number make you sad, my friend. I'm 36 and my children jokingly call me "ancient." But to me, I still feel like I'm in my 20's too.
anya saidā€¦
In a few years, you are going to read this post and think you were so young then. It's all perspective. Just enjoy each year and make it memorable!
Mom2Miles saidā€¦
I had the same freak-out a couple weeks ago when I turned 35. There's just something about realizing you're not as young as you think you are! But it's not that big a deal, really.

BTW, I'm not a nikokira, either. I like that word!
I know what you mean but really my son going to school next year makes me feel older than the number of candles on my cake each year. My birthday has never bothered me but when my god-daughter graduated and the other one turned 16 I thought I was going to have to get stock in Kleenex I started to feel so old. The good news is if 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40 you are really only 23 :).

Sending you Kleenex by the semi full for Sept. 3.

We are as young as we feel but what happens when we start to feel old?
KendallJaye saidā€¦
I have found that it's not my age that kills me. It's the KIDDO'S age that makes me feel old. I think in the back of my brain, "There's just no way I'm old enough to have a 12-yr old." So I've taken to introducing her as my little sister. :D
Chandra saidā€¦
Hey try 40! Yes, I will hit the big 40 on Sept 13th...I have been dreading it since I hit 35!

Can I tell you it does't get any easier...BUT the good news is I certainly don't feel like I'm 39 so the ol' saying is true.."you are as old as you feel"! We just need to 'think' 25 for the rest of our lives! LOL!
If it makes you feel better, I turned 35 this year, but I feel way older, and you look much younger!
Kindergarten would phase me a lot more than 33! He'll love it, and you'll be braver than you think!
Lady Mama saidā€¦
Aww 33 isn't old Loukia! Save the tissues for when you're 40. haha. Happiness is what counts. :)
I hear ya, babe! As you well know, I'll be turning 33 too, we can always call each other and bitch about it on the phone ;-)
Chantal saidā€¦
My son started school when I was 33 (no the same day but...) I know how you feel. I found 35 to be tough which was strange because I never found my age to be a concern to me. Of course my 7 year old reminds me all the time how OLD I am, so maybe that is the problem. Now I am 37 and pregnant. I have a feeling I won't be feeling any younger soon :)
Paging Doctor Mommy saidā€¦
Forget the tissue! Just get a bottle of wine!
Unknown saidā€¦
oh stfu...I just turned 35 Sunday....grrrrr
Shana saidā€¦
I turned 33 in May!! And Jacob is starting Kindergarten this year too! AND I am going back to work! Lots to boo hoo about!!!!
Crystall saidā€¦
Awww, 33 is not old. I am turning 36 next week! Gasp! AAAUUGHH! But, I do remember when I was a child and thought that anyone 30 and older was old. But, I find that now-a-days woman are younger looking and healthier at older ages. So, we are really only as old as we feel. Besides, I eat healthier and workout more than I did when I was twenty.
I have to say though- I am so surprised to hear that you are worried about this age thing. You are very pretty and look young. I am actually quite jealous. So, don't worry about the number. That is all it is.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Haven't you heard, 33 is the new 23! And red wine is suppose to slow the aging process, I think. Oh heck, even if it doesn't, it would be fun trying.
Julie saidā€¦
Holy crap! Thanks for making me feel ancient. ;-)
Rebecca saidā€¦
You are not old!Look at all you've accomplished in such little time ;)

I can't help you on the kindergarten thing. That will be sad I'm afraid!
CaraBee saidā€¦
Every single time I type my age (35!) into the treadmill or elliptical at the gym, I'm like, that's not right. How the heck did I get to be 35!? It's wild.
Unknown saidā€¦
Oh Pish Posh, I'm 34 and about to birth another child! ; )

That is kinda crazy that your little dude starts K that same day. I say you get even MORE cake that day!

P.S. 33 was a great year for me...
Kate Coveny Hood saidā€¦
Oh - get over it! I'm 37 and I'm way hotter now than I ever was in my 20s, let alone early 30s. The 30s are great - I've loved them. Not exactly psyched about the 40s, but once I'm there, I'm sure I'll be wondering what all the fuss was about. The kindergarten thing is hard though. Buy yourself a really nice birthday present. You deserve it grandma!
Well, you've got a good 2 months until that day, savor every day of 32!!!
Cynthia saidā€¦'re tears...have some wine;)
Loukia saidā€¦
Can I just say that I love you all for your comments? Kate you made me laugh with the grandma line! You guys are the best... xxxooo
Clare saidā€¦
Just found you by way of Jessica. Great blog. 33 is young. I am turning 39 in March and have a 3 year old, now that is rough!
Welcome to the club, sister! I'm 33, and I find it's best to just put age out of your mind. In fact, whenever someone asks my age I have to stop and think. I really have a hard time remembering.

Can't believe it falls on meet-the-teacher day! Talk about an emotional day.
the Preppy Princess saidā€¦
Oh gosh Miss Loulou, how funny about his first day of school!
Kelly saidā€¦
I'm 10 years younger than you but I still wish I was younger. I wish I was still a university student. This being a mom and now having to be an adult and find a 'real' job is stressful
BeachMama saidā€¦
Oh my you are so young!!! NO tears please, no tears ;) (pssst... I will be 39 this year!)
sheila saidā€¦
I remember my friend and I talking about our moms in their mid 30's and laughing about how old they were. ha ha. Well, I'll tell ya, I just hit 44 and let me tell you, I LOVE EACH and every single birthday now! Every wrinkle is a new story. Life is wonderful!
daddybookins saidā€¦
Oh dear, there is nothing wrong with 33! It is a magical what ways I do not know.

I will hand you a tissue, and inform you that...*pst* we are the same age this year....though I always have to check with the mrs. to find out how old I am...not a fan of b-days....

Enjoyed reading your blog...and tweeting with you...

~daddy b