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Shot to the heart

Yesterday, my baby had his 18 month doctor's appointment. This meant he would need his final 2 immunization needles. I hate shots days, because I hate seeing my baby go from happy and laughing to scared and crying. Of course, he is familiar with the waiting room. And as soon as we walked in, he motioned for me to leave. He started crying - first, the sad lip - oh, the sad lip - doesn't this just kill you with sadness? Then, the tears. He was out of control crying, and he hadn't even been seen by the doctor yet!

We got into the examination room, and I undressed him. All the while, he was crying, and trying to get his onesie back on himself. He got weighed - 28.5 pounds. (Yay!) And then we waited a few more minutes for the doctor to arrive. I passed some time by walking in the small hallway with him, showing him a few prints that were done by my mom. Still, he continued to cry.

Finally, the doctor came in. The same pediatrician who looked after my sister and I. (And somehow, this man does not age!) Through my baby's sobs, he examined him, and then gave him his 2 needles - one in each arm. All I could do was hold him tightly to my chest, telling him it was okay... and all he could do was cry. It broke my heart.

Of course, as soon as we left, he calmed down, and then proceeded to fall asleep in the car on the way home.

"What happened to Dimitry?" Christos asked, who was waiting outside with his father.

I told him he was okay, that Dimitry just got upset when he got his needles.

And in my hands, I was holding my baby's immunization record, in a nice little plastic folder. When I got home, I put it away, next to Christos's immunization record, and that made me very sad. That made me realize that my children were really out of the 'baby' stage. It was like staring at documentation of their baby months, now safety stored away next to other important documents.

No more needles. A relief, on one hand, but also a realization that my boys are growing up quickly. Those precious baby months are gone! And yes, I also totally enjoy them at the ages they are at now - it is just as awesome - but yesterday felt like the real end to the 'baby' stage - it was so final.

Only 1 more needle to go, for both of them - the one they get between the ages of 4 and 6. For some reason, I don't think this will be that easy to deal with, either.

Comments's so sad when they realize what's going to happen and beg you to take them home!!! I hate needle days too, but somehow, my boy is getting braver with each one, not the other way around. He still cries, but doesn't get nearly as freaked out. Thank goodness.

(And I still vote for no caps on doctor and pediatrician, BTW!)
stilettochicken saidā€¦
Awww Loukia! I'm sure it must be so hard once they get past the baby stage... but think of all the fun that is to come in the next few years! You'll have so many more milestones to celebrate... (and escalator incidents to avoid!)

And if you miss it that much, you could always get to makin' baby #3. :) babies are growing up too. :(
Lady Mama saidā€¦
I'm feeling the same way and my baby really is still a baby! I'm fairly certain I don't want another (!) but the thought of the boys growing up makes me a little sad.

Oh well at least you'll have a few years before the next horrid visit.

By the way, that's so cool that your mom's an artist. I'm going to check out her site when I have time later.
Natalie @Nat_Rea saidā€¦
Enjoy every moment, but don't be sad about the ones that are coming - they are equally as beautiful.
TheOnlineStylist saidā€¦
I know how you feel. SC's first injections were as a tiny baby and then at 18 months. The last booster set was three.. one in each arm and then one in the thigh - ouch! Plus what made it worse was that she was three and so understood everything. I also couldnt lie about where we were going or what was going to happen! She really screamed but all was well when a packet of chocolate buttons was proffered afterwards. Her next injections are at the age of 14! Now that is a scary thought!!!
Maria @BOREDmommy saidā€¦
My son has his booster shot next week (the he gets between 5 & 6). He is terrified and I have no idea what is going to happen - I think we both may need to take something when its all over!!
Sandy saidā€¦
Oh, the sad lip. Oscar just started doing that and it KILLS me. For his first immunizations, Darin and I cried harder than Oscar.
Jennifer and Iain saidā€¦
Okay, so you know I'm totally singing Bon Jovi right now!
Dawn Crawford saidā€¦
What a touching post! It can hurt temporarily but it is so important to vaccinate your baby. Thank you for protecting your baby and all our community.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Then there's my daughter. I think because she was poked and prodded so often when she was a baby that her regular shots didn't bother her (she actually sits and watches the needle go in). Every Dr visit she asks if she gets a shot (her next one isn't until she's a preteen) and she's always disappointed. Wonder how disappointed she'll feel when she actually gets the needle.

Your boys will be happy for the pin cushion break though :-)
Jennifer and Iain saidā€¦
I had to post another comment about your Mom's beautiful artwork. Her paintings bring back memories of my childhood, especially the painting where the children are walking with their umbrellas. I'm glad her pieces are sold in Toronto! I would love to get a copy of that print.

Thank you for telling us about her amazing talent.
Jennifer saidā€¦
They grow up so fast, but I find with each new age and stage comes many more wonderful memories!
Crystall saidā€¦
I know exactly how you feel. I am sad to be saying goodbye to my youngest son's baby days. Although the future is bright and exciting, I will wish for these days back so I can sweep him up in my arms and give him kisses. It won't be long and they will be running away from us and asking us to drop them off two blocks away from school. :( Savor these moments.
Unknown saidā€¦
I have a hard time with the shots too but thankfully they do get over it pretty quickly. And yes, unfortunately, they do grow up...
Chantal saidā€¦
That growing up thing. They just won't stop it, no matter how much we beg them! :)
Cynthia saidā€¦
Just so sad:( Miss Peach has to go to her 4 year appt. I can't remember if there are shots with that?