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Oh, the worry...

I come from a family of worriers.

Well, specifically, my mom worries. A lot.

As do I.

I've always been like this, but since I had children, it's on a whole other level. I know the only time I'll seriously be at peace is when I die. Which is pretty morbit, actually, but it's the truth. Not that it's something I look forward to. I'm just saying - I worry all the time. About everything. Health, first of all. I worry so much about this, I don't even want to talk about it. Because I'll just worry more. I do a lot of 'thought-stopping' in a day, let me tell you!

Years ago, my mom, sister and I were house sitting for my uncle in Bethesda when the power all of a sudden went out. We had just gone to bed. We were on the same floor, in different rooms.

"Um, what just happened?" I said.

"Duh. The power went out", my rational sister replied.

"Oh, my God. I think someone just cut the power. I think someone is in this house, in the laundry room, and they're going to kill us. Oh, my God." That was my mom's reply.

"Oh, my GOD, mom, I'm sleeping right beside the laundry room! What should I do?" I said, in a panic, thinking that I'd be the first to die.

"Don't move! Stay there. He probably has a knife, since he just cut the power. Oh, my God. We're all going to die." My mom says, her panic rising. "Let me check. Get ready to call 9-1-1 if you hear screams."

By this point, I was freaking out. My sister, however, was laughing. We are so different, it's amazing we came out of the same person.

My mom gets up. Looks outside. Realizes that the entire neighbourhood is without power. So we begin to relax. We realize that the bad man with the knife who was going to kill us all does not really exist. The power is off in the entire neighbourhood. That means we are safe.

For now...

Yes, life is really that dramatic for me.


Maria @BOREDmommy saidā€¦
I'm sorry but Greek mothers are something else -- your mother and my mother are EXACTLY the same. My mother assumes the worst no matter the situation, and as you've read, she's passed it all along to me. With all that stress in their bodies, how are they even able to function. Wait, how are we able to function - seriously, we should be big drinkers - no wonder we shop!!!
Sandy saidā€¦
lol, this post reminded me of my sister and me. Two worriers in a pod! We call each other up and blow the littlest events into the end of the world. And we get it from our mom!
Lady Mama saidā€¦
That's so funny! I'm a chronic worrier too - made worse by having kids also. I always assume the worst is going to happen - I feel like I need to be prepared for any eventuality. I'm so weird.
Neil saidā€¦
Greek mothers... Italian mothers... Jewish mothers... it is all the same. I spent most of my energy fighting worries.
Anonymous saidā€¦
OMG! I almost had to call the police for you :-) I'm not laughing at your family, really (okay, just a snicker). I'm surprise you all don't have ulcers. But who am I to talk, I married a worrier so I know for what you speak of :-)
2 Little Irish Boys saidā€¦
I try not to worry, but you are right...since kids it is a whole new worry!!!
I used to sleep great when my husband was out of town--whole bed to I just imagine all the thinks that could happen to us in the middle of the night--ugh!!
Miss Lisa saidā€¦
I confess I do look at the rest of the street when the power goes out ;)
Worry is just part of life for a mom.
Chantal saidā€¦
LOL that is so funny! Your mom said that! HA HA.
I look out the window if the lights go out...My first thought is "who's trying to get in?" That's the story of my life...blowing things out of proportion and worrying needlessly.
Stephanie saidā€¦
LOL I always check the other houses when the power goes out! wonder you are a worier! LOL Great story.
CailinMarie saidā€¦
oh this made me giggle. I am not a worrier so much, but once I get spooked I'm done for. Hence I will always, always, always, have a big dog in my family to go check out the basement with me!
Jessica saidā€¦
I always imagine the creepy girl from The Ring crawling around whenever Anthony's on a business trip. Me and your mom are like *this*.
Julie saidā€¦
Wow, I thought I was bad. I don't hold a candle to you. Cheers.
Scary Mommy saidā€¦
I, too, am a worrier. I about death. The weather, flying, calories. This big, the small. Always.
Yikes....but your mom sounds the same as my mom. She once told me that my eyeballs were going to have to be removed to fix a vision problem. Why would you tell your kid that? Ever?
CaraBee saidā€¦
It's a mom thing. My mom is the worrier to beat all worriers. I worry, but not like she does. Yikes. I swear, though, that whenever our power goes out, I always assume it's a robbery and wish for the gazillionth time that I had insisted we get a panic room. For real.
Christy saidā€¦
Oh my god - that kind of dialogue happens inside my head ALL THE TIME. I try very hard not to let it out -- but I am so glad to see I'm not the only one!!