You know what helps keep a mother sane? No, not wine. Friends. Yes, friends. And this weekend, I'm going on a mini vacation, out of town, with my friends - friends I've known my entire life, friends who have been through everything with me, friends I remember teasing my hair with, dancing to Mini Pops with, friends I've cried with, friends I've laughed with.

Friends who have now become moms, like me. In fact, my two best friends with children live 5 hours away from me. How sad is that? Very.

These friends are my best friends. I have traveled with these awesome girls to Venezuela, Greece (multiple times), California, Florida, New York City, Toronto, Montreal... I have lived in D.C. with one of them, I have gone to University with almost all of them, and I've lived with one of them in college. We really have been through it all together. And boy, do we have stories to tell...

Some of us live in Toronto now, while the rest of us remain in Ottawa. So, every year, we try to meet up somewhere in the middle for a girls weekend get together. And this weekend - we're getting together!
So, on Saturday, I will put on my brave mommy face, get in car, drive for 2 hours and see my girlfriends. I will only call home every 30 minutes - no more! And I will try to not leave the next day at the crack of dawn. I will be relaxed, I will drink lots of wine, and I will eat carbs! This will be a much needed break for me, having had to deal with two sick children this past week - that always takes a toll on me, emotionally - nothing worse than seeing your children sick, you know? But now that they are better, I'm going away for a night, to re-connect with my girls, and to have a fun weekend... with lots of wine. Because that also helps keep a mother sane!
Edited to add: NONE of my best friends, with the exception of one (Hi, Suzanne!) ever leave me comments on my blog. And I still love them. That's friendship, baby. And only a few of them read my blog, too. Although the ones who do read it always comment to me about it, and they just don't get why I'm not making money like Dooce is. "Loukia, OMG, I saw this show on Oprah, and there was a lady on who blogs like you do! BUT SHE MAKES MONEY! How come you're not making money?" Yeah. My friends don't blog. But I still love them so!

Friends who have now become moms, like me. In fact, my two best friends with children live 5 hours away from me. How sad is that? Very.

These friends are my best friends. I have traveled with these awesome girls to Venezuela, Greece (multiple times), California, Florida, New York City, Toronto, Montreal... I have lived in D.C. with one of them, I have gone to University with almost all of them, and I've lived with one of them in college. We really have been through it all together. And boy, do we have stories to tell...

Some of us live in Toronto now, while the rest of us remain in Ottawa. So, every year, we try to meet up somewhere in the middle for a girls weekend get together. And this weekend - we're getting together!
So, on Saturday, I will put on my brave mommy face, get in car, drive for 2 hours and see my girlfriends. I will only call home every 30 minutes - no more! And I will try to not leave the next day at the crack of dawn. I will be relaxed, I will drink lots of wine, and I will eat carbs! This will be a much needed break for me, having had to deal with two sick children this past week - that always takes a toll on me, emotionally - nothing worse than seeing your children sick, you know? But now that they are better, I'm going away for a night, to re-connect with my girls, and to have a fun weekend... with lots of wine. Because that also helps keep a mother sane!
Edited to add: NONE of my best friends, with the exception of one (Hi, Suzanne!) ever leave me comments on my blog. And I still love them. That's friendship, baby. And only a few of them read my blog, too. Although the ones who do read it always comment to me about it, and they just don't get why I'm not making money like Dooce is. "Loukia, OMG, I saw this show on Oprah, and there was a lady on who blogs like you do! BUT SHE MAKES MONEY! How come you're not making money?" Yeah. My friends don't blog. But I still love them so!
Non-bloggers do not get the concept of Heather, and why we're not all on the same track. :)
Sounds like fun - I'm jealous!
Have fun on your girls' weekend. I'm jealous!!
I envy you for being so close to your friends! I'd love to be 2 hours away from my best friends, rather than having them all over the place.
Have a wonderful girls weekend - I can't wait for a time I can do that again!
I don't think my girlfriends even know what blogs are :)
I'm like a lot of the others, my IRL friends never knew that I blogged , let alone what a blog is ;)
Fun times.
You guys are TOO CUTE.
Oh, and my SISTER never comments for me, how sad is she?!
how nice to be able to get away with friends! *sigh*. I have never done that at all since I've been married. Everyone's always too busy. uh.
Have fun!