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Cause for celebration!

I may not be the perfect mom but I feel like I deserve some sort of supermom of the year award. Why? Because I actually took my boys to a birthday party all by myself this past weekend! And you know? The worry I had about having to leave 5 minutes into the party quickly left, as I saw that both of them were having fun - not clinging to my legs. Well, sometimes they were, but mostly they were playing and having fun.

The birthday girl even had a clown show up.

"I don't want to see the clown, mommy," Christos said to me.

"Don't worry sweetie, we don't have to get too close to him - let's just sit on the couch and watch from over here," I told him. And you know what? He sat there, and watched the clown the entire time. While Dimitry was sitting nicely in my lap. No tears, no screams, no biting, no hitting! Just two very well behaved boys, who also sat side by side to eat their pizza and cake. They were so cute together!

By the way, what is with children and their fear of clowns? I was terribly afraid of clowns as a child, too. Weird.

And long after the other 25 kids went back to playing, my boys were still eating, working on their second piece of cake.

So, I can do it. Even though I have had stressful experiences at the park, I can actually leave the house with my children without having an anxiety attack! This is cause for some sort of celebration, no?

Okay, I just want to clarify that this was not the first time I've taken my boys out solo. It happens quite often, but each time I worry, because it is not easy. Hey - I even took them both swimming on my own a couple of weeks ago, so I have to give myself more credit, right?

I ended the day with attending a 4th of July party at the US Ambassador's house where we did a lot of drinking and eating. It was fun to celebrate Independence Day in Canada!

I even got my picture taken with Abe. We go way, way back...

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend, too!


Sounds like a fun time! This is actually the first year since 1999 that I haven't been invited to the party at the US Ambassador's. :(
Chantal saidā€¦
Yes Loukia, you do need to give yourself more credit. Your boys are so cute. That photo of them at the table eating their 2nd piece of cake is adorable. That embassy party looks like it was fun. I am glad the weather held out for you.
Loukia saidā€¦
Annie - maybe I'll see you there next year?
Yes, you definitely deserve a mom award for that one!

And, I'm not a clown fan, either.
Kate Coveny Hood saidā€¦
I'm still afraid of clowns. And taking my kids out all by myself. But I still do it...(the taking the kids out part - not the clowns - I still don't do clowns).
Unknown saidā€¦
Looks like you went all alone! lol
Loukia saidā€¦
LOL, G... I'll post a pic of you, too. I actually thought I had... I'll fix it tonight! (But I went alone, who was taking the pictures of me? ;))
Kate saidā€¦
Cute pictures, and congratulations on your successful outing with your boys! I get stressed out and I only have 1!!

I also just have to say that you look amazing for having 2 adorable boys!
Shannon saidā€¦
I just saw this and thought of your entry!
Jessica saidā€¦
Clowns smell funny. Full stop.
Kate saidā€¦
Thanks for stopping by my blog, please feel free to come back anytime! I'll leave the light on for you!
My boy is freaked out by clowns too, but he can't stop talking about the one we saw a few weeks ago. He always asks where she is, but at the party he didn't want to get more than a few feet away from her!

I love the picture of your boys at that big long table, eating their cake! Who wants to play when there's CAKE to eat!?!?
Anonymous saidā€¦
My husband does birthday duty at our house, but that's more because he's the social one out of the two of us. But I hear you, taking kids to a function can be a little stressful on your own.
Nice work! I get anxiety every time I have to go out of the house with both girls. I try to avoid it as much as possible (or stick to places with low crowds.) It's tough to manage, especially with creepy clowns moping around!
Cynthia saidā€¦
Looks like they had a blast! Yay Mom!
Sandy saidā€¦
LOVE the new design. Thanks for stopping by my blog. By the way, I am STILL terrified of clowns.
Fairly Odd Mother saidā€¦
My sister is PETRIFIED of clowns. And, my younger 2 hate anything in disguise.

Going out alone is hard but it does get easier with with practice. Some outings go down in flames, but I think the skin gets thicker each time. Good for you!
CaraBee saidā€¦
So many kids hate clowns and yet they are mainstays at birthday parties. Why is that?
2 Little Irish Boys saidā€¦
Yeah, glad you survived the birthday party alone. I don't mind going by myself--I just know I am not gonna talk to anyone, eat cake, or sit down!!
Love your beautiful pics from the 4th!
Kathryn saidā€¦
Good for you! Totally agree that it can be stressful when you don't have the extra set of hands of the hubby. You just never know who will cover themselves in mud or have a tantrum!! Love the pic of the boys eating the cake while everyone else plays.
amanda saidā€¦
yay for you honey!! congrats on the supermom award - soak it up sister!!
Kristen Andrews saidā€¦
great pics, you look fab as usual. My kiddo still doesn't like clowns he says they are scary so good thing he didn't go to the party.
Lady Mama saidā€¦
Well done you! I can't wait until I can do these things with the boys without feeling like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

And about the clown issue - my husband was very afraid of clowns as a kid and has now forbidden any clown-related things from ever entering our home. Personally I'm not bothered by them. But now Matthew is showing signs of being afraid of them too..
Christy saidā€¦
Congrats on taking them out by yourself. And you know what - clowns kind of freak me out too.

Those are such cute photos of the kids - and fabulous photos of you - and you and Abe!
Anonymous saidā€¦
You'd think Abe would spend Independence Day in the US, but I guess everyone loves Canada, even good old Abe!

And about clowns, are you kidding me? Clowns are TERRIFYING! Just read or watch Stephen King's It, and you will move on from a slight fear of clowns to them become TERRIFYING!!!!

And I booked my tickets to Canada for October, woot! Now I need to get Tiny Man his passport, yikes!
I don't like clowns either, they are kind of creepy.

The photo of you and Abe is awesome! his hat really goes with your top ;-)
I agree that clowns are creepy but i can not tell you why?!!!!