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18 months...

Today, my little baby is 18 months old. My darling ray of sunshine, my beautiful, happy, smiley baby boy is 18 months old. This is extremely bittersweet to me, because I consider 18 months the end of being a 'baby'. After 18 months, I start to think of babies as toddlers, and really, I am just not ready for my 'baby' to be a toddler yet!

Every day, he grows right in front of my eyes - the way he runs, the way he climbs, the amount of food he eats, the way he laughs and chases his brother around the neighbourhood, and the way he likes to play little tricks on me... the way he dances in the car to The Wheels On The Bus, the way he asks for 'cheeezzzz', the way he says 'wawa' for water, and the way he says 'no' - all these things make me painfully aware that he is growing up, and quickly. He loves swinging at the park, laughing hysterically as I push him higher and higher... playing in the sand, dancing to music, using his brother's tool box, and getting wet. He loves to garden with his brother, and he loves to blow kisses. He laughs all day long.

He's the happiest baby you will ever meet. He is so social, it is almost embarrassing for me, as I tend to be more reserved. He will talk to anyone! Hello, world! He loves life, and even though he is also prone to getting hurt several times a day - those tears don't last long at all. He is already showing major signs of independence - he wants to be left alone in the sink to play, so he pushes me away. Of course, I don't leave him alone. He's still my baby, after all, and I'm there for him, to protect him, to love him, to shower him in millions of kisses, to laugh with him, and to play with him.

He is the best thing to wake up to every single morning. Because of my Dimitry, and because of my Christos, mornings are good.

Happy 18 months, my darling Dimitry... you make me and everyone so happy, and you are pure joy to be around. I love you more than anything! You are so beautiful. And I can't get enough of you!


Scary Mommy saidā€¦
He is so precious! I love this age, but it is totally bittersweet. :)
Don't be too sad..if you raise them right they will always be your little boys no matter the age. My two guys, who are 18 months apart.. now 26 and 28, still hug and kiss their dad and me when they visit. For me, that is the little boy in them that I know they will always keep. Just be sure to enjoy all the stages of their growning up and document..document..document!
Adorable! Such a fun age too. I know I'm not supposed to wish my time away, but I'll be really glad to move out of the newborn stage. it's my least favorite!
Happy Birthday, little one! He is just a gorgeous little man! From your oldest, you know how fun it gets from here!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Well, geez. There went my mascara! Hand me the tissues please.
Capital Mom saidā€¦
Hope he has a great birthday!
Christy saidā€¦
Oh my goodness he's adorable! Happy 18 month to him!

ps I'm going to get those questions to you after BlogHer! Yahoo!
Cynthia saidā€¦
How can we make them stay little? My Little Man is growing so fast. I love them at this age...
Lady Mama saidā€¦
Awww. I love this post. He is SO sweet. Such a lovely smile too! And I totally know what you mean about it being bittersweet. I already feel a little sad that my youngest son is 6 months.
Farmers Wifey saidā€¦
I agree its an end to an era and its a bit sad but so exciting too! I find I get emotional now that my baby is 4!!! The photos are gorgeous too, you have a beautiful family...
Rebecca saidā€¦
Where does the time go?! such cute pics
CailinMarie saidā€¦
oh too cute! 18 months is one of my favorite ages, so into everything and so in love with life and themselves and their mommy!!! have fun!
Chantal saidā€¦
Oh my, what a cutie pie!